Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Emeritus Faculty Council Agenda

9:30-11:00, September 8, 2020, Zoom

Call to Order: Gilbert

Meeting Host: Fleckenstein, Gilbert

Remembrances:  personal memories welcome

  1. Hal Richardson, Medicine, 3/13/20
  2. Sara Wolfson, Education, 3/14/20
  3. Laura Hart, Nursing.  4/1/20
  4. David Thayer, Theatre Arts, CLAS, 4/2/20
  5. Rebecca Gbasha, Geography, CLAS, 4/28/20
  6. Devore Killip, Dentistry, 5/26/20
  7.  Keene Swett, Geology, CLAS, 5/26/20

New Emeritus Faculty:

            Jay Christensen-Szalanski, Business

            Sarah Rynes-Weller, Business

            Robert Hartman, Business

            Douglas Dejong, Business

            Debora Liddell, Education

            John Fuller, Graduate College

            Paul Muhly, CLAS

            Jeff Porter, CLAS

            Steven Ungar, CLAS

            Maryann Rasmussen, CLAS

            Ann Fennell, CLAS

            Michael O’Hara, CLAS

            Robert Mutel, CLAS

            Amnon Kohen, CLAS

            Thomas Carter, Medicine

            Debra Schwinn, Medicine

            Haraldine Stafford, Medicine

            Jerrold Weiss, Medicine

            Gloria Lee, Medicine

            Donald Black, Medicine

            Mark Graber, Medicine

            Charles Clark, Medicine

            Lon Moeller, Business

            James Ponto, Pharmacy

            Barbara Klyes, Nursing


Approval of May Minutes: Berman

Election of EFC Vice President and Secretary

Election of interim replacement for Kelley Donham (cf. attached letter from Christopher Atchison)

Report on EFC committee assignments: Update, as needed, for action over the summer

  • Elections: Gilbert (Chair), Mitros, Hauserman
  • Program: Stoner (Chair), Wanat, Anderson, Fleckenstein
  • Lecture Series: Gilbert (Chair), Gardinier, Gussin (Consultant)
  • Communications/Website: Fleckenstein, Lenth


Report on Liaisons with University committees/organizations:  Update, as needed, for action over the summer

  • Campus planning: Hines, Anderson 
  • FRIC: Shirazi, Valde
  • UIRA: Vlastos, Cobb
  • Research Council: Berman
  • Library: Hauserman, Lenth
  • Faculty Senate/Council: Gardinier, Wanat
  • Hancher: Valde, Shirazi
  • Recreation Services: Donham
  • Senior College: Donham, Mitros, Wanat
  • Parking and Transportation: Stoner, Mitros

Old Business:

Discussion of “permissive conferral of Emeritus status”

New Business:

Looking ahead—speaker for AEF May meeting?

List of EFC members with phone numbers?

Carolyn Wanat—conversation with Lee Anna Clark

Other projects?

Next Meeting: October 5, 2020, via Zoom


Letter of Christopher Atchison

Dear Dr. Donham:

Thank you very much for bringing to my attention the approaching vacancy on the University of Iowa’s Emeritus Faculty Council representing the College of Public Health.  Please know that I would be honored to be a candidate to succeed your service and would look forward to active participation should I be so fortunate as to be elected.  Allow me to provide a brief summary of my University experience so that others might know more about me.

As you know, I took emeritus status as a Clinical Professor in the Department of Health Management and Policy at the College of Public Health in 2017.  My tenure included appointment as Clinical Associate Professor in 1999 with promotion to Clinical Professor in 2004.  In these roles I was the primary instructor for the Introduction to Public Health course offered twice per year as both in person as well as on-line classes. In addition, I helped develop and was an instructor in the Department’s health policy program which included student led recruitment of guest lecturers and engaged dialog.

In addition to my collegiate appointment I also was pleased to have secondary appointments in both the college of nursing and the public policy center as well as providing guest lectures in the Colleges of Business, Dentistry, Medicine and Nursing.

In addition to teaching, I also served as the College’s Associate Dean for Public Health Practice from 2000 until my retirement. In connection with this responsibility I was able to establish the Institute for Public Health Practice and successfully competed for two federal training centers focused on workforce development and public health preparedness. 

As the result of these experiences I was asked to serve in the additional role of Director of the State Hygienic Laboratory in the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development from 2006 until my retirement.  The SHL is established under Iowa Code to support state agencies in collecting the scientific evidence enabling them to address a range of health threats from biologic or environmental sources.  The SHL maintains physical operations on the Research Park campus, on the Ankeny DMACC campus and at the Board of Regents facility at Lakeside.  During my tenure we completed construction of the $40 million Research Park facility as well as responding to state needs emerging from floods and multiple disease based emergencies. 

After retirement I continue to be active in public health service.  I am an incumbent member of the Iowa State Board of Health, serve on the Wellmark Foundation Board, and have just joined the national Public Health Accreditation Board as a board member.  Locally I am a Rotarian and am co-chair of our grants committee and am a member of the Rotary-Kerber Heart Safe Initiative established to expand access in Johnson County to both training in CPR and access to AED equipment. 

I would look forward to using this history of involvement in both University and public affairs on behalf of the College and the Emeritus Faculty Council.  Thanks for the opportunity.

Christopher Atchison
