Monday, May 1, 2023

9:30 a.m. Meeting Room A, CCC


  1. Roll Call

  2.  Approval of Minutes, April 3, 2023 EFC Meeting

(Distributed 4/19/2023)

  1.  New Emeritus Faculty
    Kurt Anstreicher       CBUS        5/16/2023
    Phillip Round             CLAS         6/30/2023
    Cinzia Blum                CLAS         6/30/2023
    Michael Schutz         CCOM       5/13/2023
  2.  Recently Deceased Emeritus Faculty
    Gerald Stern              CLAS        10/27/2022
  3.  Moment of Silence
  4.  Review of Agenda for May 15 Annual EFA Meeting

(Agenda attached)

  1.  Reports from EFC Committees
    1. Elections: Cole and Gilbert
    2. Program: Anderson & Westefeld
    3. Lecture Series: Gardinier, Gilbert & Scott-Conner
    4. Webpage: Lenth & Sorofman
  2.  Reports from Liaisons to University Committees
    1. Campus Planning: Anderson
    2. Faculty Senate & Council: Gardinier & Rasmussen
    3. FRIC Shirazi & Sorofman
    4. Hancher & Stanley Art Museum: Valde
    5. Libraries: Cole & Lenth
    6. Parking & Transportation: Odgaard & Scott-Conner
    7. President’s Committee of Athletics: Hines
    8. Recreational Services: Atchison
    9. Research Council: Berman
    10. Senior College: Mitros
    11. UIRA: Cobb

9: Old Business:

  1.  Initial response to EFC letter re Technological Support:|
    “Bill: Kevin and I had a chance to discuss the concerns that you shared from the EFC regarding technology services and support. I have also had an initial discussion with the collegiate IT leaders about how we can improve the consistency of IT services for emeritus faculty, with the hope of reducing the significant variability that currently exists in those services.
    This is a busy time of year for many of those staff as the academic year comes to an end, so it might take a bit before I can get collegiate folks together. However, we will get a plan back to you as soon as we can.Steve”
  2. Proposed Standards for EFC Consideration of Requests for Permissive Conferral of Emeritus Status.
  3.  Report on Further Developments Re Possible Changes in the Emeritus Policy.

10. New Business: Members Please Suggest

11. Guest Speaker: Rod Lehnertz,   Senior University Vice President, Finance & Operations.  Topic: “The University 10-Year Building Plan”

12. Adjourn