December 2, 2002
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
December 2, 2002
Present: Bob Engel (President), Jim Andrews, Sam Becker, Dale Bentz, Tom Conway, Charles Davidson, Al Hood, Richard Hoppin, Marion Johnson, Valdean Lembke, John Long, Hal Richerson, Robert Soper, Gene Spaziani, Keith Thayer, Lee Anna Clark (Liaison), Keith Guillory, Secretary
Absent: Helen Chadima and Bill Hausler
The minutes of the November 4, 2002 meeting were approved as circulated.
Copies of committee assignments for 2002-2003 and a schedule for meetings for the forthcoming year were circulated to all members.
Faculty Senate/ Council: Jim Andrews attended the Faculty Council meeting. He reported that the proposal to establish a joint faculty-staff budget committee has been deferred. The activities of the Charter Committee on Family Issues have been expanded. Previously, the Committee focused on matters related to childcare and parenting concerns. A new area of emphasis will be providing services for elderly family members. The Council approved a change in the policy regarding conflicts of interest. This change is intended to make the policy more understandable and to bring the University’s policy into line with national standards. The matter will be discussed at the meeting of the Faculty Senate scheduled for December 3. A web-based system will be implemented in the future so that faculty can report on matters related to consulting.
Senior College: Al Hood listed the courses that will be offered in the Senior College this spring. They include, for January: “Shakespeare: Making Love and Making War” with Miriam Gilbert and “Gandhian Thought: Applications for the 21st Century” with Tom Walz. For March: “March Madness II: Rural Artistry” with Pam Trimpe and Kathleen Edwards. For April: “Global Change and Sustainable Development” with Jerald Schnoor. For May: “Pharonic Egypt: Life and Death on the Nile” with Ruth Williams and “A Hundred Good Stories: Vignettes That Make Iowa City History Come Alive” with Robert Hibbs. Registration is available on the Senior College web site:
UIRA: Dale Bentz reported that the membership for this year was 744 and more than 800 members are expected for next year. He also inquired if there was any interest in combining the list serves of the UIRA and the Emeritus Faculty Council. There was not much enthusiasm for combining the lists.
Report – Professor Joseph Cannon
Research Council: Professor Joseph Cannon’s report on the November 6, 2002 meeting of the Research Council. This report was distributed to members of the Council. The report was accepted with thanks to the author. One topic mentioned in his report was a proposal that faculty receive $500 per year for domestic travel and $750 every other year for foreign travel. This elicited some discussion from members of the Council.
Exit Interviews:
Hal Richerson distributed a list of current exit interview assignments. Dr. Lee Anna Clark provided an update regarding the College of Medicine interview process. The College of Medicine’s Executive Committee has abandoned plans to interview persons who resign from that College. Responsibility for these interviews will now fall to the Emeritus Faculty Council. The Exit Interview Review Committee, chaired by Keith Thayer, has met twice and expects to report back to the Council in March with its recommendations.
Joint Volunteerism Task Force:
Bob Engel reported that the task force includes three Council members: Dale Bentz, Helen Chadima, and J.P. Long. Dee Norton will serve as Chair and Kathie Belgum as Scribe for the group.
There being no new business, the Council adjourned at 10:55 A.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 6 at 9:30-11:00 A.M., in the Iowa Room (Room 335) of the IMU.
Respectively Submitted, Keith Guillory, Secretary
November 4, 2002
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
November 4, 2002
Present: Bob Engel (President), Jim Andrews, Sam Becker, Dale Bentz, Charles Davidson, Bill Hausler, Al Hood, Richard Hoppin, Marion Johnson, John Long, Hal Richerson, Robert Soper, Gene Spaziani, Lee Anna Clark (Liaison), Keith Guillory, (Secretary), Guests: Dean James A. Merchant and Raymond L. Bennett
Absent: Helen Chadima, Tom Conway, Valdean Lembke, and Keith Thayer
Dean James A. Merchant gave the members of the Council a detailed overview of the College of Public Health. He discussed the themes that are defining the College’s activities, its plans for future development, the degrees offered, its various centers, its funding, and the joint degrees currently being developed with other colleges on campus and with other universities.
Additions were made to the minutes of the October 7, 2002 meeting to reflect the fact that Interim-President Boyd spoke to Lee Anna Clark, as well as to the UIRA and the EFC, regarding exploring ways emeritus faculty and retired staff members can be encouraged to volunteer for service to the University. In the discussion of the two-hour course, “The College Transition,” Dr. Clark requested that it be noted that if funding is made available, emeritus faculty may be asked to participate in the course.
Old Business
Interview Project: President Engel announced that Keith Thayer has agreed to serve as Chair of the Committee to Evaluate the Interview Project. Other members of the Committee are Jim Clifton, Charles Davidson, Marion Johnson, Hal Richerson, and William Stanford. [N.B. It was later decided that Hal Richerson would serve as a resource to the committee, not as a member.]
Joint Task Force on Volunteerism: Dale Bentz, Helen Chadima and John Long have agreed to participate on this task force. They will join members from the Retirees’ Association, Charles Anderson, Kathy Belgum, Dick Gibson, Dee Norton, and Rhoda Vernon. The chair of the task force will be selected later.
Council Membership List: Members were requested to update the information on the Council membership list.
Faculty/Staff Council: The Faculty Council heard from President Boyd concerning his Outreach Initiative.
Senior College: Clayton Ringgerberg’s course, “Football in Plain English” was so popular that the Senior College has received numerous requests for a repeat performance. Arrangements are pending.
UIRA: The health insurance meeting at which options were discussed was held on October 29 was well attended. One hundred seventy-one persons attended the annual meeting of the UIRA.
esearch Council: Professor Joseph Cannon’s report on the October 16 meeting of the Research Council was distributed to members of the Council. Professor Cannon also reported via Email on the August 12, 2002 and October 2, 2002 meetings. The Vice-Presidents Group of the University of Iowa approved the addition of emeritus representation to the Research Council Charter Committee. Acting President Boyd approved the change, and the University of Iowa Operations Manual will be amended accordingly.
Research/Artistic Work Committee: Vice-President Skorton reminded the Faculty Council that most of the funding support traditionally emanating from his office is suspended, due to budgetary constraints. It was on the basis of a promise of continuing support from the University for research by emeritus faculty that Guillory and his committee have applied for outside funding from several foundations and agencies. Since it is no longer possible to provide such assurance, he recommended that the activities of the committee be suspended until the financial picture improves. The Council agreed.
Exit Interviews: Hal Richerson reported that two new interview assignments have been made. A meeting of those persons who participated in exit interviews was held on October 24, chaired by Lee Anna Clark. Results of the interviews are being summarized for a report to the State Board of Regents. On October 28, a training session was held for persons new to the exit interview process. Maureen McCormick organized the session. Exit interviews in the College of Medicine have not progressed very well. An alternative to the present procedure is under discussion. Madgetta T. Dungy, Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs has volunteered to conduct the interviews. The matter is currently under discussion by the Executive Council of the College. In addition this topic will be taken up by the newly appointed Committee to Evaluate the Interview Project.
Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE): John Long was the University of Iowa’s representative at the meeting of the AROHE October 15-17 in Bloomington, IN. He circulated a report on the meeting and indicated he found it to be worthwhile. A number of representatives from Iowa State University were at the meeting, and they are anxious to exchange ideas with the emeritus organizations here. Long was particularly intrigued by ISU’s program of providing housing for retired faculty and staff. There is a similar program at the University of Washington. Professor Long recommended that we should renew our membership in AROHE for next year.
New Business:
Professor Margaret Keyes has resigned from the Council. The bylaws stipulate that if a resignation takes place and a person has more than a year remaining in his/her term the vacancy will be filled at the election to be held in May. Lee Anna Clark suggested that Council members should consider a possible change in the bylaws to provide a mechanism for filling a vacancy immediately.
The meeting adjourned at 11:45 A.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, December 2, 2002 at 10:00-11:30 A.M., B5JH.
Respectively Submitted,
Keith Guillory, Secretary
October 7, 2002
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
October 7, 2002
Present: Bob Engel (President), Jim Andrews, Sam Becker, Helen Chadima, Tom Conway, Bill Hausler, Al Hood, Richard Hoppin, Marion Johnson, Valdean Lembke, John Long, Hal Richerson, Lee Anna Clark (Liaison), Keith Guillory, Secretary
Absent: Dale Bentz, Charles Davidson, Margaret Keyes, Robert Soper, Gene Spaziani, Keith Thayer
Minutes of the September 9 meeting were corrected to list John Long and Helen Chadima among those absent, and to indicate that Dean Merchant will provide a brief overview of the College of Public Health in November, rather than in October.
Old Business: Sam Becker announced that the ballots on the vote to revise the Manual of Operations and Procedures have been counted, that there was an excellent response, and that the revisions were approved overwhelmingly.
Faculty/Staff Council: Al Hood reported that the Faculty Council has met twice and the Faculty Senate once since the last meeting of the EFC. Discussion continues on the subject of the proposed Academy of Distinguished Teachers. A Research Faculty Track Committee was appointed at the request of President Coleman and has issued a report of its recommendations. The proposal to adopt a research faculty track has been postponed because it was felt that the faculty has not had sufficient time to review the issue, and because President Boyd, as Interim President, preferred to defer to his successor for a decision on the matter. President Boyd’s Outreach Initiative will be the topic of the next meeting of the Faculty Council.
Senior College: The first two sessions, “Football in Plain English” and “Increasing Our Understanding of the Middle East,” were enormously successful. Session 3, “Using Investment Information Resources,” taught by Richard Stevenson, is currently underway, and is fully subscribed. Remaining programs this semester are, “The World of Opera,” taught by Arthur Canter and “The Story of Iowa,” taught by Loren Horten. “Exploring Our National Parks with Two Old Geologists,” is scheduled for January, and has limited enrollment. The program for spring has not been finalized.
Exit Interviews: Hal Richerson reported that three new interview assignments have been made. There was considerable discussion of a report entitled “EFC Exit Interview Process: Comments and Observations from Jim Andrews,” and of Lee Anna Clark’s written comments on that report. Two Council members indicated that they felt that unless positive outcomes from these interviews can be demonstrated they will have served little purpose other than gathering data more efficiently for the annual report to the Regents. Andrews expressed the view that he would like to see the Council take a more pro-active role in dealing with issues of concern to departing faculty. Lee Anna Clark provided the Council with examples of cases where recommendations from interviewers had resulted in action by the Provost’s office. A training session for persons who will participate in the interview process will be scheduled for November, possibly prior to the regularly scheduled November meeting of the EFC. Email will be used to determine the best time for the annual feedback meeting where results of interviews will be reviewed.
Jim Andrews moved that President Engel be directed to appoint a committee to (a) review the Council’s role in the exit interview process, and (b) make any recommendations to the Council it deems appropriate. The motion was seconded by Sam Becker, and passed.
Volunteer Opportunities Project: President Boyd has asked Lee Anna Clark, the UIRA and the EFC to explore ways emeritus faculty and retired staff members can be encouraged to volunteer for service to the University. There was some discussion of how the University’s needs could be identified and of the need for some kind of clearinghouse to handle issues such as contact information, level of commitment required, etc.
Sam Becker moved that President Engel be directed to appoint a task force to explore issues related to the Volunteer Opportunities Project. The motion was seconded by Val Lembke and passed.
New Business:
Professor Frank Cheng, representing the Triangle Club, has met with President Boyd concerning the disposition of a pool table now languishing in storage at Oakdale. This pressing matter will be referred to Gene Spaziani, an officer in the Club.
Visit by Dean Merchant: Dean James A. Merchant of the College of Public Health will attend the Council meeting in November, and will provide a brief overview of the activities of the new College.
AROHE: The annual meeting of the Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education will be held at Indiana University October 15-17. J.P. Long will represent the University of Iowa at that meeting.
Health Insurance Meeting: “Health Insurance Choices for UI Retirees,” has been scheduled for Parkview Church, 15 Foster Road on Tuesday October 29 from 10 A.M. until noon. Richard Saunders, Assistant Director, Human Resources and Nancy Foster, Assistant Manager Human Resources, will describe changes and provide other information on health insurance options for UI retirees. President Engel will contact Ms. Foster to see if in her presentation she might be able to use scenarios/examples of different situations which would in turn dictate different choices from among the options. Members of the Council expressed the view that it might be easier to make choices if they could see/hear some of the varying criteria that people in different situations use to decide on a plan.
Introduction to College Life: Lee Anna Clark said that the University will present a budget request to the Iowa Legislature to fund a two hour course for new students entitled, “The College Transition.” This course is intended to provide students with an introduction to college life, to the use of the library, time management, help with writing, etc. If the budget request is funded, emeritus faculty may be asked to participate in the course. The budget request is the result of an initiative developed by Student Services and the Provost’s Office.
The meeting adjourned at 11:35 A.M. The next meeting is scheduled for10-11:30 AM on Monday, November 4, 2002.
Respectfully submitted, Keith Guillory, Secretary
September 9, 2002
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
September 9, 2002
Present: Al Hood (Vice President), Jim Andrews, Sam Becker, Dale Bentz, Tom Conway, Charles Davidson, Bill Hausler, Al Hood, Valdean Lembke, Hal Richerson, Richard Hoppin, Robert Soper, Eugene Spaziani, Lee Anna Clark (Liaison), Keith Guillory, Secretary
Absent: Bob Engel, Helen Chadima, Marion Johnson, John Long, Margaret Keyes, Keith Thayer
Minutes of the July 1, 2002 meeting were approved as distributed.
A question was raised concerning the tabulation of the ballots related to approval of the By-laws. Sam Becker agreed to pick up the ballots.
Policy on Visitors in the Workplace: A final draft of the new policy on visitors in the workplace at the University of Iowa was distributed to members of the Council. Members of the Employee and Labor Relations Committee approved this draft. It was recommended that the new policy be distributed when invitations are issued for parents to bring their children into the workplace for a day’s visit. A separate policy is being drafted which will be applicable to visitors to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
Senior College: A brochure listing offerings of The University of Iowa Senior College has been distributed. The first two sessions, “Football in Plain English” and “Increasing Our Understanding of the Middle East,” are fully booked, but four other sessions are still available for registration. The program for the spring is being developed and Al Hood solicited suggestions for a “headline” course that will attract attention to the new offerings. The Center for Learning in Retirement is also sponsoring a series of courses. Their brochure was distributed to members of the Council.
Handbook and Listserve: Dale Bentz reported that the Association’s handbook and listserve have been updated with the help of the Office of the Provost. An Email listing of emeritus faculty is available from that office as a Microsoft Word file.
UIRA: Dale Bentz announced that a program, “Health Insurance Choices for UI Retirees,” has been scheduled for Parkview Church, 15 Foster Road on Tuesday October 29 from 10 A.M. until noon. Richard Saunders, Assistant Director, Human Resources and Nancy Foster, Assistant Manager Human Resources, will describe changes and provide other information on health insurance options for UI retirees. The board meeting of the University of Iowa Retirees Association is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10.
Exit Interviews: Hal Richerson has taken over the responsibility for coordinating exit interviews for faculty who resign from the University. The meeting to summarize results of interviews conducted during the past year will be scheduled for this fall. Associate Provost Lee Anna Clark requested that persons who have conducted interviews provide her with a written summary of their findings prior to that meeting. A few interviews are still pending. Many of these interviews are the responsibility of the College of Medicine’s Executive Committee. A training session will be conducted later this fall.
Faculty Senate/Faculty Council: Al Hood distributed a copy of the CIC Resolution on Intercollegiate Athletics. The Faculty Senate approved that resolution on April 2, 2002. He also reported on discussions concerning the proposed Academy of Distinguished Teachers. It has been suggested that those persons who have received teaching awards in their respective departments should be eligible for membership in the Academy.
New Business:
Eligibility for Membership in the AEF: The Association’s By-laws are vague on the question of whether persons in phased retirement are eligible for membership in the Association of Emeritus Faculty. Keith Guillory moved that only persons who are fully retired should be eligible for membership in the Association of Retired faculty. Jim Andrews seconded the motion. Following considerable discussion the motion was carried.
Meetings with President Boyd: President Boyd has spoken to both Bob Engel and Lee Anna Clark about ways that emeritus faculty can contribute to the University. Engel has made up a list of suggestions for the President and will discuss this at the next meeting of the Council.
Big Ten Retirees Association Meeting: Al Hood attended the Big Ten Retirees Association Meeting which this year was held at The Ohio State University. One of the topics that came up at the meeting was volunteerism by emeritus faculty. One university has obtained funding from TIAA-CREF to provide rewards for departments that develop mechanisms for involving emeritus faculty in university activities.
Campus Campaign Committee: Sam Becker, Chair of the Campus Campaign Committee invited Council members to participate in the “Kickoff of the Campus Campaign for Good, Better, Best. IOWA!” This event is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9, 2002. One goal of the Committee is to enlist contributions, however small, from 100% of the faculty. Bob Soper is also a member of the Committee.
Visit by Dean Merchant: Bill Hausler announced that Dean James A. Merchant of the College of Public Health will attend the November Council meeting and will provide a brief overview of the activities of the new College.
AROHE: The annual meeting of the Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education will meet at Indiana University October 15-17. J.P. Long will represent the University of Iowa at that meeting.
Himie Voxman: Members were reminded of the birthday celebration for Professor Himie Voxman which will be held at the Ritchie Ballroom in the Iowa Memorial Union on September 28.
Janusz Bardach: A pioneer member of the Emeritus Faculty Council from the College of Medicine, Professor Janusz Bardach died on August 16, 2002 of pancreatic cancer. He was 83 years old.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 A.M. The next meeting is scheduled for 10-11:30 AM on Monday, October 7.
Respectfully submitted,
Keith Guillory, Secretary
July 1, 2002
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
July 1, 2002
Present: Bob Engel (President), Jim Andrews, Sam Becker, Dale Bentz, Helen Chadima, Lee Anna Clark, Tom Conway, Charles Davidson, Bill Hausler, Al Hood, Richard Hoppin, Marion Johnson, Gene Spaziani, Bob Soper.
Absent: Keith Guillory, Hal Richardson, Keith Thayer
New and returning members introduced themselves.
Al Hood was nominated to serve as Vice President/President –elect and Keith to continue serving as secretary. The slate was unanimously elected.
The minutes of the June 3rd meeting were approved as amended.
Due to the resignation of Dick Stevenson, an emeritus faculty from the College of Business was nominated to complete his term (one more year) along with a second if he should not wish to serve. Dale Bentz will make the contact(s).
The annual meeting was reviewed with the general consensus that it went well - the entertainment, the meeting itself, the speakers and particularly the excellent lunch. Other places to hold it were discussed including the triangle ballroom of the IMU. Additional opportunities for socializing were suggested.
Jim Andrews reported on the year’s experiences with the exit- interview program. He discussed some of the difficulties the College of Medicine was experiencing with its program and some of the planned changes.
Al Hood gave a brief description of the 7 (one a repeat) Senior College courses planned for the fall semester and several of the topics planned for the spring semester.
Dale Benz reported that updating the emeritus faculty listserve now totaled 177 e-mail addresses from a total of 488 Emeritus Faculty Association members.
Bob Engel discussed the list of the dates, places and times of the meetings for the next year which had been distributed with the agenda. They will continue to occur on the first Monday of each month (except September – the 2nd Monday).
He also discussed the list of proposed committee and service assignments he had put together and which had also been distributed with the agenda. He mentioned that while he would be putting together the agenda for each meeting – anyone on the Council could add items by Jan Swartzendruber in the Provost’s Office.
In response to a suggestion made at the annual meeting that the EFC receive information of the activities of the Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee, Dale Bentz will report what he learns from the UIRA’s representative to that committee as that representative reports back to the UIRA. Bill Haulser suggested that the free health benefits now available to retired military and federal service personnel is an example of the type of information we should be concerned about to inform our eligible members
Meeting adjourned 10:45 AM
Al Hood Acting Secretary
June 17, 2002 (Annual Meeting)
Minutes of the June 17, 2002 AEF Annual Meeting
10:00 a.m., Monday, June 17, 2002
W401 Pappajohn Business Building
Call to order and opening remarks:
President J. P. Long briefly summarized the purpose of the Association and expressed his thanks to Emeritus Faculty Council members and Lee Anna Clark and Jan Swartzendruber of the Provosts Office for their support and to Bob Soper for the arrangements for the annual meeting.
Approval of June 2001 minutes:
Minutes were unanimously approved as distributed.
Charles Helms, accompanied by Dick Caplan at the keyboard, sang four American songs to great acclaim.
Third year in review:
President Long noted the following accomplishments —
- Liaison with the Faculty Senate and with the Research Council
- The Retirees Handbook produced by Dale Benz
- Approximately 60 exit interviews with resigning faculty members
- An Association listserve with over 150 addresses
- A popular Senior College established in cooperation with the UIRA
- Assistance for active retired faculty at the Obermann Center at Oakdale
- Facilities currently in room 380 of the IMU are now being moved to the sixth floor of the Jefferson Building
Proposed changes in Bylaws:
Jim Andrews moved the following motion —That the proposed changes to the Associations Bylaws, as described in the revised document distributed at this meeting, be submitted in a timely manner for approval by the Associations—members in accordance with the provisions of —Article VII Amendments. Motion passed unanimously.
Questions and suggestions from the floor:
It was suggested that the Association explore the establishment of an advising center in each college using emeritus faculty members to advise students in that college.
More use be made of the internet to communicate with members, especially those living outside this area.
A recommendation that the exofficio member from this Association who sits on the Universitys Benefit Committee report back regularly to the Associations members.
Program: Old Capitol, Historic Landmark
- Its History Ann Smothers
- Its Renovations —Sandy Boyd
- Its Current Status —Ann Smothers
Report of the election of new Council members:
Sam Becker reported that the following new members had been elected:
- Bill Hausler, College of Public Health
- Tom Conway, College of Medicine
- Marion Johnson, College of Nursing
- Charles Davidson, College of Law
- Helen Chadima, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Gene Spaziani, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Two members were reelected
- Bob Engel, College of Education
- Sam Becker, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Remembrance of deceased colleagues:
A moment of silence to remember those colleagues who died during the past year.
J.P. Long passed the gavel to incoming President Bob Engel.
Adjournment to catered lunch subsidized by the Office of the Provost.
Respectfully submitted,
Al Hood, Acting Secretary
June 3, 2002
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
June 3, 2002
Present: John Paul Long (President), Jim Andrews, Sam Becker, Dale Bentz, Bob Engel, Al Hood, Hal Richerson, Richard Hoppin, Robert Soper, Lee Anna Clark (Liaison), Keith Guillory, Secretary
Absent: Jean Reese, Duane Spriestersbach, and Keith Thayer
Professor Sheldon Kurtz, Chair of the Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC), met with the Council to discuss forthcoming changes in health care coverage for faculty and emeritus faculty members. He distributed an outline of the costs to the University for the various health care options. Among the options, UI CARE is not available to emeritus faculty. The FRIC has recommended termination of the CHIP I program. The subsidy currently provided to emeritus faculty amounts to approximately $90 per month. Higher premiums can be expected when cost data are reviewed in August. The Committee is examining various options for reducing the University’s health care costs. Since prescription drug prices are rising rapidly, Wellmark has recommended use of a formulary. A second option is to adjust the payment ratio from the current 90:10 (CHIP I), or 80:20 (CHIP II) to 70:30. The deductible also might be raised for each plan.
A two-year pilot program is underway to evaluate the benefits of a wellness program that emphasizes smoking cessation, stress management, and weight control. If this program is successful, it may be made available more widely. One problem that has been identified in UI CARE is the difficulty of scheduling appointments due to a shortage of physicians. This is particularly critical in two areas, gastroenterology and otolaryngology.
Professor Kurtz is working with the Retirees’ Association on a program to be held in November regarding the various health care options. He said that the FRIC is also considering adjusting the disability program from the current sliding scale, which provides for a five-year graduated increase in the disability payments for new faculty. The plan is to provide maximum disability payments even if disability occurs within that five-year period.
Minutes: The minutes from the May 6, 2002 meeting were approved as circulated.
Annual Meeting: Robert Soper distributed the program for the Annual Meeting. Ann Smothers, rather than Margaret Keyes, will deliver remarks on the history of Old Capitol. Thus far, 40 emeriti have indicated they will be at the luncheon.
Web Page: Lee Anna Clark said that a list of all emeritus faculty will be available soon on the emeritus faculty web page. The format has been selected, and it is anticipated that the list will be updated periodically.
Exit Interviews: Jim Andrews reported that of 67 resignees, 35 have been interviewed, and 20 interviews are pending. Seven interviews are pending in the College of Medicine. There is some urgency to complete interviews since many resignees will be leaving campus this summer.
Research Council: Professor Joseph Cannon’s report of the Research Council Meeting of May 10, 2002 was received with thanks to the author.
Senior College: Al Hood remarked that this first year of lectures in the Senior College series was a resounding success. A tentative schedule is available for next year’s program. Professor Rex Honey (Geography) will lecture on “Understanding the Middle East.” Other topics will include programs on the basics of football, advanced investments, opera, the history of Iowa, the geology of national parks, and politics in Shakespeare’s plays.
New Business:
Sam Becker announced the results of balloting for Emeritus Faculty Council representatives. New terms will begin in July for: Sam Becker, Helen Chadima and Gene Spaziani (Liberal Arts and Sciences); Marion Johnson (Nursing); Tom Conway (Medicine); and Bill Hausler (Public Health). No ballots were received from Law, so the Council voted on a contingent candidate from among the two nominees (Charles Davidson and Sam Fahr). If no votes are received from the College of Law, the Council’s choice will be announced at the Annual Meeting.
At the Annual Meeting, it will be recommended that the title of the “Bylaws” document be changed in accordance with a recommendation from the University’s General Counsel (“Bylaws” implies a degree of organizational independence that UI units do not have). Other changes in the document will be considered at that time, with voting to be done by mail ballot at a later date.
Jim Andrews reported that exit interviews have been successful in identifying specific areas that need to be explored by the University to improve faculty retention. For example, one area that requires attention is assistance to foreign nationals in obtaining visas. Lee Anna Clark facilitated Jim’s providing input on this topic to the appropriate UI office where his feedback was well received.
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 A.M. The next meeting is scheduled for July 1, 2002.
Respectfully submitted, Keith Guillory, Secretary
May 6, 2002
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
May 6, 2002
Present: John Long (President), Jim Andrews, Sam Becker, Dale Bentz, Jim Clifton, Bob Engel, Al Hood, Richard Hoppin, Jean Reese, Hal Richerson, Robert Soper, Duane Spriestersbach, Keith Thayer, Kathryn Wynes (Assistant Director, Academic Personnel), Keith Guillory, Secretary
Minutes: Minutes from the April 1, 2002 meeting were approved as distributed following a minor change.
Annual Meeting: Bob Soper listed additions to the agenda for the June 17, 2002 Annual Meeting of the Association of Emeritus Faculty of the University of Iowa. Included in the program will be a remembrance of those emeriti who died during the past year. There will also be a discussion of changes to the Bylaws recommended by the Committee on Bylaws. A mail ballot requesting approval of the changes will be distributed to all emeriti at some time following the meeting. A tear-off sheet will accompany the invitation to the meeting for those persons planning to attend the luncheon. The price of the luncheon will be $5. In their response, emeriti will be requested to update their Email addresses.
Council Elections: Sam Becker announced the names of candidates for Emeritus Faculty Council representative. The candidates are: Liberal Arts and Sciences (3 to be elected) [Charles Anderson, Eleanor Ansty, Sam Becker, Helen Chadima, Charles Hale, and Gene Spaziani]; Nursing: (1 to be elected) [Carolyn Crowell and Marion Johnson]; Law (1 to be elected) [Charles Davidson and Sam Fahr]; Medicine (1 to be elected) [Tom Conway and Ed Folk]; Public Health (1 to be elected) [Bill Hausler and write-in candidates]. Ballots will be mailed out prior to the annual meeting.
Bylaws: The Committee on the Bylaws (Jim Andrews, Sam Becker and Jean Reese) circulated proposed changes to the Bylaws. The current Bylaws preclude representation by emeriti from the Graduate College. However, there are currently a number of emeriti from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning and from the School of Library and Information Science, departments that are administratively in the Graduate College. It was proposed that there be one representative to the Council from those departments in the Graduate College. This and other changes in the Bylaws proposed by the committee were approved by the Council and will be presented to the Association for discussion at the Annual Meeting.
List of Emeriti: At the last Council meeting Associate Provost Lee Anna Clark proposed posting a list of emeriti on our web page. She will be asked about this at the next meeting.
FRIC: The Funded Retirement Insurance Committee (FRIC) has recommended the termination of the Chip I program as of December 31, 2002. FRIC is working on a proposal to enhance the health insurance benefits for retirees. It was suggested that Professor Sheldon Kurtz, Chair of the FRIC, be invited to discuss these matters at a forthcoming meeting of the Council. He has agreed to chair an open meeting of persons who currently are enrolled in Chip I.
Letter to Retirees: Bob Engel and others made a number of suggestions for changes in the letter that will be sent to future retirees welcoming them to the Association. These suggestions will be passed along to Lee Anna Clark.
Faculty Council and Senate: Engel reported on the activities of the Faculty Council and Faculty Senate. At its meeting on April 2, the Senate addressed a number of policy statements previously adopted by the Faculty Council. These included the adoptive leave policy, the CIC resolution on intercollegiate athletics, and the Cox resolution requesting that the Board in Control of Athletics report to the Senate on sources of funding for the Department of Athletics. There was a discussion of the mechanisms employed by the University to arrive at the annual budget and a proposal to designate one entrance to campus buildings as a non-smoking entrance. Engel invited members to participate in the bake sale to be held Saturday May 11 from 10-2 at Hubbard Park. Jeffrey Cox (History) will serve as President of the Faculty Senate, Margaret Raymond (Law) as Vice-President and President-Elect, and Craig Porter (Pediatrics) as Secretary.
Research Council: Professor Joseph Cannon’s report of the Research Council meeting of April 16, 2002 was received with thanks to the author.
Senior College: Al Hood reported that the final course in this semester’s offerings was Professor Tom Davis’ “Having Fun with Music Theory – 101.” Ninety persons were enrolled in the course. Hood also presented a tentative list of course offerings for the fall, winter and spring sessions.
New Business:
Al Hood has agreed to record the minutes at the Annual Meeting of the Association.
Sam Becker expressed concern that abuse of the Xeroxing privileges may be occurring in Room 380 IMU. A copy log will be placed prominently near the machine, and users will be asked to record their use (limit of 50 copies). Also, emeriti will be reminded that staff members in 380 IMU support Faculty Council/Senate and should not be expected to provide secretarial support to emeriti faculty.
Big Ten Retirees Association: The annual meeting of the Association will be held at the Ohio State University August 17, 18, and 19. Al Hood has agreed to represent the Council at that meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 10:40 A.M. The next meeting is scheduled for June 3, 2002.
Respectfully submitted, Keith Guillory, Secretary.
April 1, 2002
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
April 1, 2002
Present: John Long (President), Jim Andrews, Sam Becker, Dale Bentz, Jim Clifton, Bob Engel, Al Hood, Jean Reese, Hal Richerson, Richard Hoppin, Robert Soper, Duane Spriestersbach, Keith Thayer, Lee Anna Clark (Liaison), Keith Guillory, Secretary
Representatives of Dial Corporation, developers of Legacy Pointe Assisted Living Community at the corner of South Scott Boulevard and American Legion Road, made a presentation to the Council. In addition to the assisted living facility, the group plans to open a complex of senior housing apartments or condominiums as well as a dementia care center, Legacy Gardens, which is scheduled to open in May. The facilities are adjacent to the southeast Iowa City Family Care Center. Those desiring further information can contact Legacy Gardens at (319) 338-4404.
The minutes from the March 4, 2002 meeting were approved as distributed.
Annual Meeting: Bob Soper circulated a preliminary program for the annual meeting of the University of Iowa Emeritus Faculty which will be held on June 17, 2002 in the Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center. The program will begin with a musical presentation by Richard Caplan and Charles Helms, followed by a report on the activities of the Emeritus Faculty Council to be presented by President John Long. The main part of the program will consist of a discussion of Old Capitol. Margaret Keyes will detail the history of the building. Willard Boyd will present information about the renovations it has undergone. Ann Smothers will comment on its present status. President Long will announce the results of elections to the Council and make concluding remarks. There will be a musical interlude followed by a catered lunch.
Exit Interviews: Jim Andrews distributed a list of exit interviews completed as of March 31, 2002. Of 49 resignees, 26 have been interviewed, 3 have declined interviews, 5 have not responded, and 15 interviews are pending. Interviews of persons resigning from the College of Medicine are now being assigned to members of the College of Medicine Executive Committee.
Faculty Council: Jim Andrews represented Bob Engel at the Faculty Council meeting on March 12, 2002. The Council recommended that adoptive leave be increased from 5 days per occurrence to 10 days, and the leave is to be paid out of personal sick leave. No changes were recommended for parental leave. The Council also revisited the question of the CIC institution resolution on intercollegiate athletics. Jeff Cox submitted a resolution asking the Board in Control of Athletics to report to the Faculty Senate in 2003 and in subsequent years on what state (general) funds have been used to support the athletic department. Information was also requested on steps being undertaken: (1) to reduce inappropriate commercialization of athletics, (2) to reduce competition between institutions over facilities and coaches’ salaries, and (3) to eliminate alcoholic beverage advertising on radio and television broadcasts of University of Iowa athletic events.
Research Council: Professor Joseph Cannon’s report of the Research Council meeting of March 5, 2002 was received with thanks to the author.
Senior College: Al Hood reported that the course, "March Madness: Understanding Modern Art," offered by Pamela White Trimpe, curator of painting and sculpture at the UI Museum of Art, was attended by 75 persons. Enrollment is now at 86 for the third course, "Exploring the World of Sherlock Holmes" which will meet April 5, 12, 19, 26, at the Oakdale Campus Auditorium in Coralville. Richard C. Caplan, Professor Emeritus of Dermatology, will be the lecturer. Plans for next year’s courses are now being developed. Six to seven courses will be offered per semester, and some of these will be of shorter duration and will be designed for smaller audiences. There are plans to publicize the course offerings to larger audiences.
UIRA: Dale Bentz reported that the UIRA now has been permitted to send a representative to meetings of the Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee, although that person has no voting privileges. The FRIC has recommended that the Chip I program, which now has 400 persons enrolled, be discontinued next year. It was recommended that Sheldon Kurtz, chair of the FRIC be contacted to request that an open forum be held for persons enrolled in that program to discuss the reasons for this change and the available options. Some concern was expressed about whether or not the meeting that UIRA planned for this November to discuss health plan options should go forward, given the restricted choices. The consensus of the group was that the meeting would still be useful. Bentz also commented that list serve addresses need to be updated for persons whose addresses are off campus.
New Business:
An announcement concerning the forthcoming symposium on promotion and tenure at the University of Iowa was distributed. This symposium is sponsored by the AAUP and the Faculty Senate and is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, April 3, 2002 in the IMU.
Sam Becker reminded Council members to submit nominations for Council members by April 5. Lee Anna Clark suggested that to facilitate this process in the future, a list of all emeriti should be posted on our web site. Becker will contact the seven emeritus faculty members in the new College of Public Health to solicit nominations for a person to represent that group on the Council. President Long will solicit nominations for a replacement from the College of Business for Richard Stevenson, who resigned before the end of his term.
Jim Andrews submitted three suggestions for changes in the Bylaws of the Association of Emeritus Faculty. Jean Reese and Sam Becker will participate in a subcommittee to consider these recommendations. Andrews will serve as chair and will make recommendations to the Council at its May meeting.
Lee Anna Clark suggested that a letter should be sent to new retirees from the Office of the Provost and from the Emeritus Faculty Council to welcome them to the Association of Emeritus Faculty and to invite their participation in its activities. President Long will draft such a letter.
Sam Becker announced that a retirement seminar sponsored by the Human Resources Department will be held at 8:10 A.M. on April 11 in the Iowa Memorial Union.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 A.M. The next meeting is scheduled for May 6, 2002.
Respectfully submitted, Keith Guillory, Secretary
March 4, 2002
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
March 4, 2002
Present: John Long (President), Jim Andrews, Sam Becker, Bob Engel, Al Hood, Jean Reese, Hal Richerson, Richard Hoppin, Robert Soper, Duane Spriestersbach, Keith Thayer, Lee Anna Clark (Liaison), Keith Guillory, Secretary
Absent: Dale Bentz, Jim Clifton
The minutes from the February 4, 2002 meeting were approved with minor corrections.
Exit Interviews: Jim Andrews distributed a list of exit interviews completed as of February 28, 2002. Of 42 resignees, 21 have been interviewed, 2 have declined interviews, 3 have not responded, and 16 interviews are pending. Interviews of persons resigning from the College of Medicine are now being assigned to members of the College of Medicine Executive Committee. The acknowledgement letter and survey have been revised and are being circulated for approval.
AROHE: The Emeritus Faculty Council is now a member of the Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education. The annual meeting of this organization is scheduled for October 15-18 at Bloomington, IN. The theme of the meeting will be “Enhancing the Connection: Building Retiree Programs.” Lee Anna Clark will serve as liaison to the AROH. A volunteer is being solicited to represent the Council at that meeting. The Big Ten Retirees Association will meet August 17–19, 2002 at the Ohio State University.
Faculty Council: Bob Engel discussed three items that were topics at the latest Faculty Council meeting. (1) The search processes currently underway for Dean of the College of Medicine and for Vice-President for Statewide Health Affairs are somewhat complicated because of the overlapping responsibilities of the two positions. (2) The proposal by a legislator that a faculty member be appointed to the Board of Regents did not receive enthusiastic endorsement from the Council. Faculty at UNI and ISU apparently are supportive of the idea, and the reservations discussed at the Council meeting will be shared with them. (3) New policies regarding sexual harassment and consensual relationships have been adopted.
Research Council: Professor Joseph Cannon’s report of the Research Council Meeting of February 12, 2002 was received with thanks to the author. President Long discussed a later communication from Professor Cannon. The Research Council considered the problem of locating temporary housing for visiting scholars, scientists, artists and lecturers who will be on campus for extended periods. The Council has recommended that a single website be established to list all housing accommodations available through the University. A statement regarding unsupervised visitors to university laboratories, studios, classrooms and other potentially dangerous venues has been submitted to university legal staff for its assessment. The issue of resetting the academic clock with respect to funded faculty leaves has been resolved for the present following a conference between faculty and administrators in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Vice-President Skorton has undertaken the task of simplifying the mechanics of application for research funds administered through his office.
Senior College: Al Hood reported that the first lectures in the Senior College series were enthusiastically received. "A Tour of the Solar System" was the subject of lectures presented by Donald A. Gurnett, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Feb. 1, 8, 22 and 25. There were 120 enrolled in that short course. "March Madness: Understanding Modern Art" will be offered by Pamela White Trimpe, curator of painting and sculpture at the UI Museum of Art. The first class will be held March 1 at the UI Museum of Art. Enrollment in that course is now 75. "Exploring the World of Sherlock Holmes" will meet April 5, 12, 19, 26, at the Oakdale Campus Auditorium in Coralville. Richard C. Caplan, Professor Emeritus of Dermatology, will be the lecturer. That course is fully subscribed. "Having Fun with Music Theory — 101" will meet May 10, 17, and 24 at Parkview Church. The lecturer will be retired music professor and Hawkeye Marching Band Director Tom Davis. A few openings remain for Davis’ lectures. There was some discussion of the possibility of televising the lecture series and offering it at community colleges across the state.
Annual Meeting: Bob Soper described the plans for the annual meeting whose theme will be Iowa’s golden dome and its history. An announcement of the annual meeting will be circulated soon, together with a solicitation of nominees for election to the Emeritus Faculty Council.
New Business:
President Long will meet with representatives of Dial Companies, developers of the Silvercrest Legacy Point Assisted Living facility on Scott Boulevard. Their meeting with the Council will be rescheduled.
Dale Bentz attended the UIRA Board of Directors meeting. A program detailing options in the CHIP medical insurance plans is scheduled for early November. The annual meeting of the Retirees Association will be held in October. Membership in the organization is currently at 650.
A letter from Amitava Bhattacharjee, Faculty Senate President, was circulated. Members of the faculty were asked to contact legislators regarding the budget cuts being proposed by the state legislature. It is imperative that any communication with legislators should be on personal, and not university stationery, and that e-mail not be sent with the address. Alternative e-mail servers such as Hotmail are recommended.
Provost Whitmore asked the Council for a recommendation concerning the awarding of emeritus status to Dr. Mildred H. Lavin. Sam Becker moved that the Council support the awarding of emeritus status to Dr. Lavin. The motion was seconded by Bob Soper and was adopted unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 A.M. The next meeting is scheduled for April 1, 2002.
Respectfully submitted, Keith Guillory, Secretary
February 4, 2002
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
February 4, 2002
Present: John Long (President), Jim Andrews, Sam Becker, Dale Bentz, Jim Clifton, Jean Reese, Hal Richerson, Robert Soper, Duane Spriestersbach, Lee Anna Clark (Liaison), Keith Guillory, Secretary
Absent: Bob Engel, Al Hood, Richard Hoppin, Keith Thayer
The minutes from the January 7, 2002 meeting were approved as circulated.
Exit Interviews: Jim Andrews reported on the status of the College of Medicine exit interview process. The three training sessions conducted for members of the Executive Committee of the College of Medicine included a demonstration of the interview process conducted by John Long and Robert Soper. The acknowledgement letter to be sent to persons who resign from that college and the revised survey form are not yet available, but should be soon. Andrews also provided an update on the progress of exit interviews. For the 7/01/01 through 6/30/02 fiscal year 34 resignations have been received in the Provost’s Office. Nineteen of these persons have been interviewed, two declined an interview, and thirteen interviews are pending.
Dale Bentz reported that the Board of the University of Iowa Retirees Association (UIRA) has decided not to join the Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROH). Instead, they will continue to participate in the corresponding Big Ten organization. They have requested that the Council share information from the AROH with UIRA.
The allocation of funds from the tobacco suit settlement was discussed at a legislative forum held in January. This money does not go into the state’s general fund, but is directed towards such purposes as advertising and health-related matters. No funds are set aside expressly for research.
Research and Artistic Work: Keith Guillory’s application for financial assistance to emeritus faculty so that they can continue to remain active in research will be considered by the Board of Directors of the Brookdale Foundation Group at their meeting on February 6.
Retirees College: The first lecture in the series has been held and was completely subscribed. There are still openings for the remaining lectures in this year’s program.
Annual Meeting: Robert Soper and his committee have been working on the program for the annual meeting which is scheduled for June 17th. The program will focus on Old Capitol. Margaret Keyes has agreed to provide a lecture on the history of Old Capitol. Willard Boyd will discuss the renovation that took place during the period when he was University President. Ann Smothers, Director of the Old Capitol Museum, will describe the progress of the renovation work currently underway. John Long will present a synopsis of the work of the Emeritus Faculty Council. Still to be scheduled is some kind of musical entertainment. Since Old Capitol will not be available for the meeting, it will be held in either W 401 or S 401 of the Pappajohn Business Building. A buffet luncheon, partly subsidized by the Office of the Provost, will be available following the meeting.
New Business:
New Media Day: This event is scheduled for February 28 at the Iowa Memorial Union. A memorandum describing the program was distributed to members of the Council. Additional information is available at
Senior Mentors Program: The College of Medicine is soliciting volunteers to serve as mentors for medical students. This program is designed to expose medical students to elderly persons as a potential source of wisdom and to eliminate bias against the elderly. Persons who wish to participate in the program are requested to contact Ms. Zola Schultz (319-335-7645 or The March 8, 2002 organizational meeting will be held at University Hospitals, specifically in the Department of Family Medicine's large conference room from 10 A.M. to noon. The Department is located on the lower level of the Pomerantz Family Pavilion.
Senior Housing: Representatives of Dial Companies, developers of the Silvercrest Legacy Pointe Assisted Living facility on Scott Boulevard have requested to meet with the Council at their March meeting. Twenty minutes will be set aside for their presentation.
University of Iowa Flag: A proposal from Shelley Kurtz was circulated to members of the Council. Professor Kurtz has requested that the University of Iowa sponsor a competition for the creation of an official flag for the University. Sam Becker moved that the Council recommend to President Coleman that the University of Iowa should have an official flag. The motion was seconded by Jean Reese. The motion failed by a vote of 2 in favor, 7 opposed. The consensus of the group was that no flag is needed.
UIF Account: An Emeritus Faculty Council account has been established at the University of Iowa Foundation to receive contributions. An anonymous donor has provided funds to support the Retirees College. Associate Provost Lee Anna Clark will handle disbursements from this account.
Senior Center Programs: Al Hood and Hal Richerson have attended three steering committee meetings at the Senior Center at which the development of programs based on Elder Hostel was discussed. These programs will consist of group discussions rather than lectures. An announcement regarding this program has appeared in the publication of the Senior Center, the "Post." A request to share with this group a mailing listing of emeritus faculty was discussed. It was recommended that the group can have ready access to the insert listing emeritus faculty that was published as an addendum to the University of Iowa Directory 2000-2001.
CIC Resolution on Intercollegiate Athletics: Robert Engel sent members of the Council a copy of the resolution that was adopted by faculty leaders of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation at a meeting held November 2-3, 2001. The resolution was adopted by the CIC. The Faculty Council has considered the CIC Resolution at its meetings on December 11 and January 22. A revised version of the CIC resolution was passed. The Faculty Council’s version addressed the dilemma posed by the requirement that athletic departments eliminate commercialization, while at the same time restricting departments from receiving allocations from university general funds.
Bea Furner requested that future communications from the Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROH) be directed to Lee Anna Clark. The annual meeting of the AROH is scheduled for October 15-18 at Bloomington, IN, and a representative from the Emeritus Faculty Council will be designated at a later meeting of the Council.
The meeting adjourned at 10:40 A.M. The next meeting is scheduled for March 4.
Respectfully submitted, Keith Guillory, Secretary.
January 7, 2002
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
January 7, 2002
Present: John Long (President), Jim Andrews, Dale Bentz, Jim Clifton, Bob Engel, Richard Hoppin, Hal Richerson, Robert Soper, Duane Spriestersbach, Keith Thayer, Lee Anna Clark (Liaison), Keith Guillory, Secretary
Absent: Sam Becker, Al Hood, Jean Reese
The minutes from the December 3, 2001 meeting were approved as circulated.
Jim Andrews and Associate Provost Clark reported on the status of the College of Medicine exit interview process. The chair of the Executive Committee of the College of Medicine drafted an acknowledgement letter to be sent jointly from the Provost’s Office and the College of Medicine to persons who resign from that college. The College of Medicine will use a survey form that has been revised to include a section of questions to be answered only by persons who fall within the category of hospital or clinical faculty. The same survey will be employed for all colleges. Meetings have been scheduled for the next three weeks to discuss the interview process, listening skills, and to observe a role-playing exercise.
Dale Bentz reported that the Board of the University of Iowa Retirees Association (UIRA) has agreed to co-sponsor a session in October at which Chip I, Chip II, and Chip III options for retirees will be discussed.
Exit Interviews: Jim Andrews circulated a report on the progress of exit interviews. Thus far 28 resignations have been reported to the Office of the Provost, 13 interviews have been conducted, 3 persons have declined interviews, and 12 interviews are pending.
Faculty Council: Bob Engel reported that the Government Relations Committee of the Council has asked for volunteers who would be willing to contact legislators regarding funding issues. The next two meetings of the Council will focus on the issue of intercollegiate athletics. One topic of discussion will be the use of academic funds to support intercollegiate athletics.
Research Council Report: Joe Cannon’s report of the Research Council Meeting of November 27, 2001 was received with thanks to the author.
Research and Artistic Work: Keith Guillory reported on the three letters of inquiry that he has sent to funding agencies to determine whether they would be willing to provide financial assistance to emeritus faculty so that they can continue to remain active in research. Two of the agencies have responded that such funding is not within their areas of interest. The third, the Brookdale Foundation, has not responded, but Guillory will follow up on this and other funding opportunities.
New Business:
Annual Meeting: Bob Soper has attempted, without success, to contact Margaret Keys to determine whether the annual meeting can be held in Old Capitol. The meeting is scheduled for June 17th, and the committee will be meeting shortly to work on the agenda.
Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education: The council has received a letter from this organization inviting us to join. Bea Furner attended the association’s annual meeting in San Diego, and Sam Becker recommended that we should join. Dale Bentz moved, and Keith Thayer seconded a motion recommending that the council join the association at the “supporting” level ($100 annually). The motion passed. There was some discussion of whether the UIRA might already be a member, or whether we should offer to share materials from the association with them. Dale Bentz will bring this up at their forthcoming meeting.
Tobacco Suit Income: Keith Thayer discussed the allocation of funds from the state’s receipt of income from the tobacco suit. In Michigan a substantial portion of the funds has been allocated to the Department of Health, and through them, to the University of Michigan to support research projects. Minnesota has created an endowment out of their tobacco funds. The Iowa legislature has determined that funds from the suit will go into the general fund. Thayer will contact Mark Braun, Associate Director, Governmental Relations, to determine whether some funds from this income source might be used to support research. Organizations such as the Lung, Cancer, and Heart Associations might support expenditure of a portion of these funds for health related research.
The meeting adjourned at 10:25 A.M. The next meeting is scheduled for February 4.
Respectfully submitted, Keith Guillory, Secretary.