December 6, 2000

Emeritus Council Minutes

Wednesday, December 6, 2000, B-5 Jessup Hall
9:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m.

Present: Sam Becker (President), Jim Andrews, George N. Bedell, Dale Bentz, Bob Engel, Bea Fumer, Larry Gelfand, Keith Guillory, Bob Kremenak, J. P. Long, Betty Mather, Jean Reese, Bob Soper, D. C. Spriestersbach, Dick Stevenson, Lee Anna Clark (Liaison), David Vernon, Secretary. Absent: Jim Clifton

The October minutes, as amended, and the November minutes were approved.

It was reported that the Faculty Council approved the recommendation that an Emeritus Council representative be designated as a non-voting member of the Faculty Council.

Reports made and discussed:

The Faculty Council meetings are on November 7th and 28th (Jim Andrews)

From the Emeritus council representative to the Research Council

Committee on the definition of the "emeritus"/"emerita" designation. After some discussion, the issue was remanded to the Committee for further consideration.

Emeritus web page: substantial progress was made, and, the page was reported to be on line, although not complete. (Kremenak)

Progress report of emeritus listserve. (Bentz)

Most of the meeting concerned a discussion of starting the process of interviewing faculty members who have resigned. Assignments were made to all Council members except those who asked to be excused. Information was to be forwarded to those Council members who did not participate in a training seminar.

Submitted by David H. Vernon

November 1, 2000

Emeritus Council Minutes 

Wednesday, November 1, 2000, B-5 Jessup Hall
9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Present: Sam Becker (President), Jim Andrews, George N. Bedell, Dale Bentz, Jim Clifton, Bea Fumer, Larry Gelfand, Bob Kremenak, J. P. Long, Betty Mather, Jean Reese, Bob Soper, Dick Stevenson, Lee Anna Clark (Liaison), David Vernon, Secretary. Absent: Keith Guillory, Bob Engel, D.C. Spriestersbach

The October minutes were amended and approved.

Jay Semel spoke to the Council about the Oberrnann Center for Advanced Studies (at Oakdale) and its availability to emeritus faculty members who continue their research into retirement. Mr. Semel indicated that comfortable office space and computer support could be made available for a semester during the academic year to retired faculty members who are engaged in research. The offices are furnished and necessary office supplies are provided. Limited secretarial assistance is available. In addition to office space during the academic year, the Center will fund modestly sized meetings of research groups and seminar groups devoted to research. Interested emeriti were encouraged to call Mr. Semel to discuss other possible uses of the Center.

Communications - Dale Bentz reported that a nine-page discussion draft of a retiree's handbook had been prepared and would be considered by the Committee during November. Copies of the draft will be available at the December meeting. Dale is continuing to explore the use of a "listserve" to improve communication with emeritus faculty members.

Defining Emeritus Status - The subcommittee (Andrews, Fumer, Vernon) will report to the Council at its December meeting.

Exit Interviews - Jim Andrews indicated that 14 persons who had received training were prepared to start the exit interviewing process of faculty members who resign. The process is likely to start within the month.

Consulting with Government Agencies - We will continue to explore ways to implement the program. To obtain information on the expertise of emeriti, we need to encourage them to list their research activities in the annual reports of faculty published by Office of the Vice President for Research. This was suggested by Keith Guillory.

Phone and E-Mail directory - A question was raised about the possible inclusion of e-mail addresses, other than, in the University Directory. A process for such inclusion is in place and e-mail addresses other than can be included in the Directory most easily by emeriti adding them to their listings in the electronic version of the Directory on the University's web page. Bob Kremenak reported that he has reserved November for the development of a web page for the Council.

The Council agreed to schedule its meeting during the Spring 2001 semester on the first Monday of each month from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in Room B-5 Jessup Hall. The only exception will be in January, when the meeting will be scheduled on the second Monday of the month. Thus, the Council will meet on January 8, February 5, March 5, April 2, and May 7.

Submitted by David Vernon

October 4, 2000

Emeritus Council Minutes

Wednesday, October 4, 2000, B-5 Jessup Hall
9:30 a.m. to 10:50 a.m.

Present: Sam Becker (President), Jim Andrews, George N. Bedell, Dale Bentz, Jim Clifton, Bea Furner, Larry Gelfand, Keith Guillory, Betty Mather, Bob Soper, D.C. Spriestersbach, Dick Stevenson, Dave Vernon (Secretary). Absent: Joan Cantor, Lee Anna Clark, Bob Engel, Bob Kremenak, J.P. Long, Jean Reese

The September minutes were approved.

Professor Sheldon Kurtz, Chair of the Funded Retirement Insurance Carmine, spoke to the Council about the current state of the University's Health Insurance Program. He explained that the University was a self insurer for medical insurance and that Wellmark was not the insurer, but merely the University's agent in paying bills and sending notices to insureds. In establishing rates for health insurance, the experience of each group within the system is assessed annually and rates for each group are set in relationship to the individual group's experience. For example, the experiences of each of the Chips (I, II, and III are evaluated separately and within each Chip, the experience of the group covering employees and spouses is evaluated separately and the rates set without regard to the experience of a group covering employees and families. During 1999, the experience of various groups in Chip III was such that the rates increased very substantially. Professor Kurtz advised that Chip II, the least expensive of the Chips, was probably the best buy for most people, including retirees. He also urged that Chip I, the most expensive of the Chips, normally was not a wise purchase. His advice, particularly about Chip I, was challenged by some Council members.

In response to a question, Professor Kurtz expressed his opposition to the Emeritus Council having a non-voting place on the University Funded Retirement Committee. The Council is enthusiastic about the Council having membership on the Committee and will seek to obtain such an appointment.

Council Discussions

The Council discussed the desirability of using a "listserve" to enable the Council to communicate easily with all emeriti who have computers.

Keith Guillory suggested that if emeriti who are engaged in research would list their current efforts in the Directory of Research (published by the Office of the Vice President for Research), the list of consulting capacities of emeriti would besier to develop. The suggestion received a favorable response from the Council.

The Council discussed, with some favor, the idea of establishing an Emeritus Bill of Rights, using the Minnesota Bill of Rights as a starting point. It also discussed with favor the desirability of (1) having a representative of the Council sit as a non-voting member of the Faculty Council, and (2) developing an up-to-date definition of emeritus status. A subcommittee was appointed to consider whether the existing definitions of emeritus status should be modified. (Andrews, Fumer, and Vernon).

The Council decided that funds set aside by the Provost to fund Council activities ($5,000) should not be used to support travel by Council members.

Submitted by David Vernon

September 6, 2000

Emeritus Council Meeting

September 6, 2000

Present: Andrews, Becker, Bedell, Bentz, Cantor, Clark, Clifton, Engel, Furner, Gelfand, Kremenak, Long, Mather, Reese, Soper, Spriestersbach, Stevenson

Absent: Guillory, Vernon

The August minutes were approved with spelling corrections as submitted

Reports from Committees:

Emeritus Teaching and Service: will have meeting next Monday.“

Emeritus Research and Artistic Work: will get together in the near future and also hopes to prepare a grant application for expenses.

Communications: distributed an outline of major areas in the Retirees Handbook. Discussion took place with regard to relationship with Faculty Handbook. Requested suggestions for items to be included in the Retirees Handbook including recreational and cultural activities.,

Exit Interview Project: had meeting with McCormick of University Services. Will have training session for interviewers on September 20 at 1:30.

Lifelong Learning Project: meeting to occur in the future.

Old Business:

Definition of Emeriti in University Operations Manual was discussed. Discussion centered around adjunct and clinical professors and also included discussion of paid v. non-paid status. Discussion of fairness of criteria for emeritus status and the time required in grade took place. The definition of emeritus will be taken up again in the future.

Big Ten Retirees Meeting: Report given by Becker and Clifton about recent meeting at Indiana University. Iowa seems to be in about the middle of the Big Ten with regard to benefits for retirees. Indiana University has a student advocates office staffed by retirees.

Emeritus parking: Becker reported on a meeting with D. Ricketts. A discussion took place regarding the desirability of putting a brief section about faculty parking in the Retirees Handbook.

Representation by the College of Public Health on the Emeritus Faculty Council will be as part of the College of Medicine in the future until the CPH qualifies as a College for their representation under Council by-laws.

New Business:

The emeritus representative on the Research Council is Joe Cannon.

Consulting proposal of Ken Atkinson: Ken Atkinson was not present but there was an initial feeling that this should not be a creature of the Emeritus Council. It was unclear whether the consultant would be paid or volunteer and how the proposal might relate to SCORE. Becker is to contact Atkinson to ask 1) that he attend a meeting of the Emeritus Council in the future and 2) that he obtain information from other institutions doing this type of activity -- especially in the areas of compensation and legal liability.

Obermann Center for Advanced Study: Jay Semel is the contact person.
Next meeting: Wednesday, October 4 at 9:30 AM in Jessup Hall

Adjournment at 11:00

Submitted by: Richard Stevenson

August 14, 2000

Emeritus Council Minutes

Monday, August 14, 2000
B-5 Jessup Hall, 10:00 AM

Present: Sam Becker (President), Jim Andrews, George Bedell, Dale Bentz, Joan Cantor, Jim Clifton, Bob Engel, Bea Furner, Larry Gelfand, Keith Guillory, Bob Kremenak, J.P. Long, Bob Soper, D.C. Spriestersbach, Dick Stevenson, Dave Vernon (Secretary), and Lee Anna Clark (liaison)

Absent: Betty Mather, Jean Reese

July 10 Minutes were approved as submitted

Provost Jon Whitmore spoke to the Council. He described the survey of emeritus faculty as very helpful and indicated that he had asked the Deans of the Colleges to determine the extent to which each department of college is currently meeting the needs expressed in the survey and, if the needs are not being met, to determine what steps, if any, can be taken to improve the situation.

In response to questions, the Provost indicated that Vice President Skorton had indicated that the presence of an emeritus faculty member on the Research Council was helpful and that he hoped the practice would continue.

Committee assignments were approved (See attachment). President Becker stressed the need for each committee to designate someone to Chair the Committee. He noted the importance of the Committee on Emeritus Teaching and Service and urged that members of the Committee work with individual departments in an effort to encourage them to do their best to accommodate the needs of emeritus professors. The lack of office space was mentioned as one of the major problems we face.

Among the major goals for the council this year are: (1) complete a retirees’ handbook; (2) get the lifelong learning project started; (3) establish an emeritus web site; (4) develop a plan to provide standard office amenities for all Emeriti who want to receive them and work to implement that plan; (5) update references to Emeriti in the University’s operations manual; (6) complete the implementation of the exit interview project.

J.P. Long was elected Vice President; David Vernon was elected Secretary.

It was agreed that for the balance of the fall semester, the Council’s regular meeting time would be switched from 10:00 AM on Mondays to 9:30 AM on the first Wednesday of each month, with meetings scheduled on September 6, October 4, November 1, and December 6.

Associate Provost Clark asked that all Council members review the current definition of emeritus faculty in Chapter III, Section 11.7 of the Operations Manual.

Respectfully submitted

David Vernon, Secretary

ATTACHMENT to the minutes of August 14, 2000 (dated 7/23/00)

Emeritus Council Committee Structure

1. Committee on emeritus teaching and service: (This is a major task, but breaking into smaller committees doesn't make sense to me because all aspects involve liaison with departments & colleges. Encouraging and facilitating use of Emeriti in teaching and service, and ensuring that Emeriti have the amenities they want and need: offices, mailboxes, postage support, phone privileges, etc.)

Must coordinate with Committee on Emeritus Research

Bedell (Health Sciences)
Cantor (Liberal Arts and Education)
Clifton (Health Sciences)
Engel (Liberal Arts and Education)
Stevenson (Professional Colleges outside Health Sciences)

2. Committee on emeritus research and artistic work: (Because facilities are involved, must coordinate closely with Committee 1.)


3. Communication committee to facilitate flow of relevant information to Emeriti through Retirees Handbook, web page, and other means (perhaps Gray Hawk). Among other charges, consider whether there should be an ombudsperson for Emeriti and, if so, how to set it up.

Kremenak (web page)

4. Exit interview project:


5. Lifelong learning project


6. Elections Committee (will be appointed in spring 2001)

7. Liaison with UIRA


July 10, 2000

Emeritus Council Minutes

Monday, July 10, 2000
B-5 Jessup Hall, 10:00 AM

Present: Sam Becker (President), Jim Andrews, Dale Bentz, Joan Cantor, Bea Furner, Keith Guillory, Bob Kremenak, John Long (Secretary), Betty Mather, Jean Reese, Bob Soper, Dick Stevenson, Sprie Spriestersbach, David Vernon, and Lee Anna Clark (liaison)

Absent: George Bedell, Jim Clifton, Bob Engel and Larry Gelfand

May 8 and June 19 Minutes were as corrected (spelling of Bedell).

President's Report:

Following introductions Chair Becker reviewed the major ongoing projects:

(1) facilitating participation of retired faculty in ongoing functions of the university, (2) seeking help for faculty with their continuing work, e.g., teaching, (3) facilitating information flow to Emeriti about their health and other retirement benefits, (4) exit interviews project, (5) Emeritus College, (6) expanding the section of the Operations Manual concerning Emeriti.

Old Business:

  1. Subcommittee #3 (Gelfand [chair], Spriestersbach and Reese) submitted to Council their written research report that emphasized many positive attitudes and extensive involvement of retirees in scholarly activity. However, there are some minor fiscal needs that are not being met. "The subcommittee recommends that The University of Iowa recognize the scholarly work in progress of its Emeriti faculty by committing funds to defray important incidental expenses related to their research/creative effort." Council voted unanimously to support the above recommendation to be forwarded to Vice President Dave Skorton.
  2. Importance of liaison with UIRA was discussed. Questions were whether Council should appoint a representative or depend on overlapping membership. Jim Clifton was appointed to represent the Council, with assistance from Joan Cantor.

New Business:

  1. Chair Becker will visit with various individuals concerning open positions of Vice President and Secretary.
  2. What do we wish to accomplish this year? See President's Report above for on-going projects. Members need to think about what else ought to be done.
  3. Within a week Sam wishes to hear from each Council member concerning their area of special interest so work assignments can be made. Sam will construct a new list of assignments/goals for discussion by Council.
  4. Bea Furner reported on the 7th International Conference on Retirement in Higher Education, May 26-28, San Diego. She distributed agenda, addresses of attendees and Emeriti Center Organizational Chart used at USC. Types of organization, membership and purpose differ on various campuses. Thoughts from the meeting for Council to ponder may include: (a) organization and our relationship with UIRA, (b) communication-web sites, informational flyers, newsletters and annual reports, (c) interview retiring faculty, (d) living history projects, (e) retiree housing, (f)system to monitor Emeriti benefits, and (g) we should stay involved with the national group. Bea has considerable printed material that can be distributed to our committees as they are formed.
  5. No action was taken to alter Bylaws to include the new College of Public Health at this time because they do not yet have emeritus faculty.
  6. The need for a Retirees Handbook was acknowledged.

Other Business:

  1. Dave Vernon reported that public, non-technical seminars by Emeriti would be useful.
  2. Lee Anna Clark would like the committee to look at the Operations Manual definition of 'emeritus faculty' and comment on its adequacy.

Next Meeting: Monday, August 14, 10:00-11:30 AM, B-5, JH

John Long, Secretary pro tem

June 19, 2000 (Annual Meeting)

Minutes of the June 19, 2000 AEF Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting of Association of Emeritus Faculty Senate Chamber, Old Capitol, 10:00 AM, June 19, 2000

Chair Jim Clifton expressed his thanks for the fine representation at the Annual Meeting. Agenda was approved by voice vote.

President Mary Sue Coleman expressed her gratitude for the formation of the Association of Emeritus Faculty and included the following remarks:

Status of emeritus faculty varies from department to department and university to university.

The University of Iowa is committed to easing any difficulties associated with retirement.

The University is greatly appreciative of all that emeritus faculty are doing for the institution.

Lisa Bluder, Head Coach, Women's Basketball, reviewed status of program and encouraged expanded attendance at games.

Chair Jim Clifton reviewed origins and status of the Association of Emeritus Faculty. The organization grew out of a task force appointed in 1997 by the Provost and Vice President for Research. The charge was to 'consider what the University can do for emeritus faculty that it is not currently doing, and consider what Emeriti can do for the University.' (Additional information is found in Article II of the Bylaws.)

Provost Jon Whitmore expressed his appreciation to individuals, especially Sam Becker, Jim Clifton and Lee Anna Clark, who helped form and guide the Association through the first year. The Provost stated that the number of retirees is increasing and he hoped that the University could harness their talents. Many areas within the University are experiencing increasing pressures and retirees can be very helpful.

Associate Provost Lee Anna Clark (a) acknowledged individuals who have helped during the past year and (b) reviewed major accomplishments of the organization. Lee Anna looks forward to supporting the Council and the Association in the future.

Nancy Foster briefly reviewed functions of Staff Benefits and invited retirees to continue their contacts and association. She suggested that Emeriti e-mail her with their suggestions or to communicate problems.

David Vernon, Chair of the Bylaws committee, reviewed evolution of Bylaws and sought questions. There were none. It was then moved and seconded that the Bylaws be adopted by the Association. Members adopted the Bylaws by voice vote, apparently unanimous.

Sam Becker, Vice President of the Council, reviewed responses from surveys of Emeriti and deans/DEOs. Highlights included: (a) where direct comparisons could be made, results from the two surveys were quite similar, (b) about 75% of Emeriti are happy with their relationship to the University, (c) approximately one-half of Emeriti continue to serve their departments, and (d) 40% continue scholarly activity.

David Skorton, Vice President for Research, expressed his appreciation for past activities and future roles of Emeriti and Council that includes: (a) continuing educational activity, (b) sharing knowledge and expertise with young faculty, i.e., mentoring, (c) retirees serving on Research Council, and (d) University instituted grant program open to Emeriti doing scholarly work.

Bea Furner, our representative to the 7th International Conference on Retirement in Higher Education, reviewed the background and status of the organization. The first meeting was held in 1985. The theme of the latest meeting was "the role of university and college retirement associations in achieving, pursuing, protecting and enhancing rights, benefits and privileges of retirees." Bea reported that (a) it was a useful and interesting conference and she brought back information for several of our committees, and (b) our participation with the organization should continue.

Bob Kremenak, Chair of the Election Committee of the Emeritus Faculty Council, reported that there were six vacancies on the Council and the following individuals were elected:

College of Business Administration – Richard Stevenson College of Engineering – Jim Andrews College of Liberal Arts – Dale Bentz and Betty Bang Mather College of Medicine – George Bedel and Robert Soper

Jim Clifton, Council Chair, expressed his thanks to many individuals who helped him in numerous ways. Jim then passed the gavel to Sam Becker who assumed the Council Presidency. Sam thanked Jim for his leadership in the critical first year of the Council.

A panel of Lee Anna Clark, Sam Becker and Jim Clifton was formed to answer questions from membership. Several questions, suggestions, and comments were made. They included: (a) concern about potential overlap in function of the Association of Emeritus Faculty with The University of Iowa Retirees Association (UIRA), (b) retired faculty have some special and different interests from those of the Retirees Association, (c) the two organizations should continue as they are, but there should be some formal liaison and sharing of information with the UIRA, (d) Iowa is apparently unique in having both a retired staff-faculty association and a retired faculty association, (e) mechanisms for ensuring productive coordination of the two groups will be explored by the Emeritus Faculty Council, (f) a shared office with the Faculty Senate and Staff Council is available for both of our retirees organizations in room 380, IMU, (g) the Association of Emeritus Faculty should consider creating its own web site or participating in the UIRA web site, and (h) consider asking the UIRA to permit placing a summary of the Emeritus Faculty Council's minutes in the Gray Hawk, perhaps with financial support from the Council.

Meeting adjourned at 11:25 AM Next Council Meeting: Monday, July 10, 10:00-11:30 AM in B5 Jessup Hall

John Long, Secretary