December 1, 2014

Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes

December 1, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 9:50 a.m. by President Kuntz.  (Late start due to fire “drill.”)

Attendance:  Kuntz, Johnson, Gussin, Summers, Jepsen, Boe, Flanagan, Craft-Rosenberg, Stoner, Weingeist, Dorfman, Menninger, & Sharp

Minutes approval –November 3, 2014

Minutes were approved as distributed.  (Minutes will be sent by Secretary Sharp well in advance of future meetings.)

There will be no Guest Speaker today due to speaker conflict.

Emeritus Faculty Database – Johnson, Boe & Gussin

·         The EFC has an email list

·         The Provost’s office has a list which appears on our website

·         The Problem:  correlation of the two lists  

o   Gussin will continue to monitor both lists making sure that deceased people are removed and updates are sent to Brenda Bradley.  Likewise, Brenda informs us of changes that she receives.   Gussin will route changes to Boe. 

Emeritus Status for Dr. Curtis Hass Kuntz

All related materials were provided at the meeting and discussed.  Motion to confer Emeritus status to Dr. Hass by Saunders with 2nd by Johnson.  Motion passed.

Hancher Committee Report (October 28, 2014) - Dorfman  

Chuck Swanson spoke first about the Committee’s main missions, which are advocacy and advice.  Part of the advocacy mission is helping reconnect students to Hancher, since many don’t know about it because there is no physical building at present.  Advice from the committee can include recommendations on ticket prices, hours of operation, how to use the screens in the new building, rental policies, and training of box office staff.

Swanson then gave an update on building progress and showed renderings of the new building.  The entrance will face south.  Interior features include lots of cypress wood, a grand staircase, a café with terrace, comfortable seating, state of the art lighting, and a rehearsal hall.  There will be 1800 rather than 2500 seats as in the old building, reducing costs and providing greater intimacy.  There was a beam signing ceremony held in September to celebrate one of the steel beams put in place, with Susan Wermer singing and 1,000 people in attendance.   Progress is really being made!

Next, Mitch Overton from the College of Public Health Alumni Relations Office presented the Qualtrics Student Engagement Survey that can be used to survey students about Hancher.  Questions include student interest in attending future Hancher events and present attendance, how students would like to be contacted about events, and types of events they have an interest in attending.  The committee gave input on some modifications to the survey, which will probably be distributed next spring.

Library Committee – Johnson

The Hardin Library for the Health Sciences was completed in 1974, bringing together all the 

health sciences collections in one place. Staff at Hardin are largely involved in public

services, as processing materials, for example, is done at Main Library. Hardin librarians

taught almost 300 sessions last fiscal year, with over 4,700 participants. Workshops are also

offered throughout the year and the outreach librarian travels throughout the state. Hardin

also serves as the central location for simulation-related activity within the health sciences

colleges and UIHC.

Systematic review is a new service that Hardin librarians are providing, assisting

researchers with searching. The John Martin Rare Book Room is also a well-used resource.

Hardin does also serve the general public and is the largest research medical library in

Iowa. Lawrence noted that Hardin meets informally with the 6-7 small departmental libraries

within the college departments/hospital, but there is no formal relationship. Those libraries

mainly provide specialized reference materials and services to their department.

III. University Librarian Updates

A. The Libraries has begun the strategic planning process with the assistance of UI

Organizational Effectiveness. The goal is a brief, flexible plan that with have action plans

to support it. Timeline is to have the plan done by March and then begin the

implementation process.

B. The faculty study room has been carpeted and furnished, but still waiting for the card

reader to restrict the room to faculty access. Lockers will also be installed outside of the

room. The committee will visit the area at the February meeting.

Senior College Committee -Johnson

Johnson provided the following information on Spring, 2015 programs:


Basketball   H Dee

Thursdays, January 15, 22, 29, February 5

3:00-5:00 p.m.

Johnson County Extension Building, 301 Old Highway 218 South (Fairgrounds)

Registration Deadline                     Class Limit: 80

Psychology                                                          Al, H Dee

Mondays, February 2, 9, 16, 23

1:30 – 3:20 p.m.

S207 Pappajohn Business Building

Registration Deadline:                   Class Limit: 70

Gardening and Literature                                 Nancy

Thursdays, February 5,12,19,26,

1:30 – 3:20 p.m.

70 Van Allen

Registration Deadline:                Class Limit: 80

Hormones and You                                             Peggy

Wednesdays, Feb 11, 18, 25, Mar 4

2:30 – 4:20 p.m.

301 Van Allen

Registration Deadline:                    Class Limit: 84     

G.I. Diseases                                                         Lola

Wednesdays, March 11, 18, 25, April 1

1:00 – 3:00 p. m.

2117 Medical Education and Research Facility

Registration Deadline:                   Class Limit: 100

Shakespeare                                                                   Bea

Tuesdays, March 24, 31, April 7, 14, 21, 28

10:00 – 12:00 p.m.

Parkview Church

Registration Deadline:            Class Limit: 100

Music Therapy                                                         Clai

Fridays, March 27, April 3, 10, 17

1:30 – 3:20

301 Van Allen

Registration Deadline:                  Class Limit: 50

Comparative Politics                                         Bea

Mondays, March 30, April 6, 13, 20

3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

202 Senior Center

Registration Deadline:          Class Limit: 50

Women’s Archives                                            Trudy

Wednesdays, April 8,15,22,29

9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

2032 University Main Library

Registration Deadline:                   Class Limit: 30

Underground Railroad                                            Larry

Thursdays,   April 16, 23, 30, May 7

1:30 – 3:20 p.m.

70 Van Allen

Registration Deadline:                Class Limit: 80

UIRA Report – Sharp

Two upcoming programs of interest:

·         12/3 Jane Drews on Protecting personal information at Coralville Library

·         1/9 Donna Parsons on “Magic Mythical Tour:  In Search of the Beatles” at Coralville Library

The UIRA is instituting two awards that will be given at the end of this year:

·         UIRA Outstanding Community Service Award

·         UIRA Outstanding University Service Award

Nominations are being sought.

Gussin reported on the recent UIRA health benefit-sponsored update meeting:

On November 6, two Health Alliance alternatives to UICHOICE for U of I retirees were outlined in a meeting sponsored by the University of Iowa Retirees Association.  Many emeritus faculty attended, so this message is intended primarily for those who were unable to attend.

As an emeritus faculty member, you are entitled to continue using UICHOICE (with the University-provided contribution to your premium) as your Medicare supplemental insurance (sometimes called Medigap).  You can switch to one of the Health Alliance plans now, or wait until next year to switch.  In fact you can switch between a Health Alliance plan and UICHOICE (or the reverse) during any annual enrollment period.   

The Health Alliance plans provide two new options (referred to as PPO and HMO) for U of I retirees (who must be 65 years old or older).  The PPO option would require roughly the same premium $279/month) as the premium you pay for UICHOICE ($264/month, due to the University’s contribution to the premium).  These premiums could change in subsequent years, especially for the Health Alliance plans, because they depend on who enrolls in the plan, what their actual claims are, etc.  [Although Health Alliance is a private company, only U of I retirees are eligible to enroll in one or the other of the two plans.]

 It’s not clear whether the PPO option offers any advantage relative to UICHOICE.   It might be disadvantageous to choose the PPO option if you don’t live in Iowa City, if you spend a large part of the year outside Iowa City, or if you prefer health care providers that are not associated with UIHC and/or are not part of the University Health Alliance (eg., if you frequently get referred by your physician to specialized care connected to Mercy Hospital of Iowa City).  [In addition to UIHC, University Alliance partners are located in Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, Cedar Falls, and Des Moines, but Mercy Hospital of Iowa City is not a University Alliance provider].  These considerations relate to each plan’s definition of an “In-Network” and “Out-of-Network” provider.  UICHOICE has a broader definition of “In-Network” especially as it relates to out-of-state care or care in a foreign country.  With both PPO and UICHOICE you can use out-of-network providers, but when you do your contribution to the cost of care is greater. 

If you are an emeritus faculty member with a partner or spouse who currently pays for individual Medicare supplemental insurance through UICHOICE or elsewhere, your partner may wish to explore one of the Alliance Health Care options.

If your partner is not enrolled in Medicare Plan B (eg., is not yet 65 years old), he or she is not eligible for either of the Health Alliance options.

One reason for this communication, is that many emeritus faculty have received mail from Health Alliance describing these options for U of I retirees, which may be confusing because the options are alternatives to UICHOICE.  A decision about whether or not to change plans will require your careful consideration of your personal health care needs, access to particular health care providers, etc.  It may be advisable for you to seek clarification from Health Alliance or the U of I Staff Benefits office.

The proceedings of the November 6 meeting were recorded and will be presented in the near future on University of Iowa television.  For more information, check their schedule to find out when this will happen.  In the meantime, you can access the video of the event at

We are including some web addresses where you can find additional information: [] [] [] []

Communications Committee

Boe & Flanagan are working on revisions to the UI Retiree’s Handboook.

Emeritus Faculty Lecture SeriesGussin

Mechanisms of Adaptation of Bacterial Pathogens to the Human Environment

Michael Apicella (Microbiology)
Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 4:00 pm
101 Biology Building, East

The incredible journey of Voyager 1 into interstellar space

            Donald Gurnett

Department of Physics and Astronomy

101 BBE, 4-5 pm, January 20

Medieval Scribes and the Absurdity of Music Notation

            Elizabeth Aubrey

School of Music

101 BBE, 4-5 pm, February 17

J. S. Bach's psalm-linked flute gavotte and his closing quodlibet spoof

            Betty Mather

School of Music

4-5 pm, March 24

Venue to be determined

Equality or Sanity in Intercollegiate Athletics? Now is the time to choose

            Christine Grant

Department of Health and Sports Studies

101 BBE, 4-5 pm, April 14

May – to be determined

EFC Program Speakers - Summers

Two speakers are needed for Spring Semester:  try to reschedule Culshaw.  Other possibilities are Flagle, Jesse, Kregel (see 10/6 minutes)

New Business

At our next meeting, we need to discuss selecting a speaker for the annual meeting.  Possibilities might include Regent Downer, someone from Deloit.

Next meeting:  2/2/15, 9:30a.m.  2520B UCC

The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m.

Minutes by Jamie Sharp

Items carried over to Feb. agenda

Speaker selection for Annual Meeting

November 3, 2014

Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes

November 3, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by President Kuntz.

Attendance:  Kuntz, Johnson, Gussin, Menninger, Craft-Rosenberg, Stoner, Flanagan, Dorfman , Weingeist, Jepsen

Minutes approval –October 6, 2014

Johnson corrected the URL for the EMFC website:

Emeritus Faculty Lecture SeriesGussin

All dates and speakers are set for the Fall semester and early months of Spring Semester.  The recent lecture by Linda Kerber was well received. Gussin indicated that the following people had made commitments to lecture: Donald Gurnett , Elizabeth Aubrey ,Christine Grant and Betty Bang Mather.

Senior College Committee: Johnson

Johnson had nothing to report as yet.

EFC Program Speakers - Summers

Date: Dec. 1

Kuntz reported that John Culshaw (library) will speak to us on Monday ,Dec 1.

Library Committee Dorfman

Library Committee Report

October 20, 2014

John Culshaw, Head Librarian, introduced Carmelita Pickett, the new Associate Librarian, who will attend our committee meetings.

There were two presentations by library staff.  First, Rob Van Rennes, Head of Acquisitions, gave an update on E-books.  There are 825,000 E-books in our catalogue as of 2013 and $11.1 million of the $14.6 million budget for books was spent on E-books in 2014.  Challenges include digital rights management (e.g., user limits, loan sharing, printing and downloading restrictions, purchasing resources intended for individual devices); publishers don’t like sharing of entire books; cost of E-books.  Acquiring E-books occurs through aggregator packages, publisher packages, individual titles, “knowledge unlatched” (when cost of an item has been met, then it becomes open access).  There are also demand-driven acquisitions such as short-term loans for one day before purchase, if warranted.  Benefits of E-books include buying only what is used, perpetual rights, lots of information available, and tremendous staff savings.

The next presentation was by Kathy Magarrell, Head, Reference and Library Instruction who spoke on library services to students.  Recent activities include a task force formed to look at needs of undergraduate international students in collaboration with the Office of International Affairs, hiring planned for two new undergraduate librarians, working with rhetoric instructors to train the trainers (training leaders of professional development groups in the rhetoric department), checking out chargers, adapters, etc. for student laptop use, workshops of interest to undergraduates, new study rooms at satellite libraries, trying to develop a student council for libraries, and an elective one-hour course on the library focusing on ICON.

Finally, Culshaw noted that strategic planning is underway and the library is looking at various constituencies to help keep them on track.  There will be focus groups for various campus constituencies. They hope to launch the plan before the holidays. Regarding budget, he said fiscal 2016 is likely to be challenging.

(Submitted by Lorraine Dorfman)

Faculty Senate – Menninger

Nobody could attend the last meeting. The agenda and notes are on line:

EFC Website - Boe

Boe was not present. Weingeist said the site looked good. He asked about errors in the information about Emeritus Faculty

Old Business

A spirited discussion was held concerning the role of retired faculty in continuing to advise graduate students in their thesis research. It was noted that both the collegiate departments and the Graduate College participated in this process.

Next meeting:  12/1, 9:30a.m.  2520B UCC

The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m.

Minutes by George Johnson substituting for Jamie Sharp

Items carried over to Dec. agenda

The Committee would like to know how the Provost’s office collects data on the Emeritus Faculty. There are errors made in departmental assignment and deceased faculty are not removed from the list of emeritus professors in a timely manner.

October 6, 2014

Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes

October 6, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by President Kuntz.

Attendance:  Kuntz, Johnson, Donham, Gussin, Boe, Levin, Schantz, Menninger, Sharp, Craft-Rosenberg, Stoner, Flanagan, Dorfman & Summers

Distribution of agenda, EFC Annual Meeting minutes

Minutes approval – August 25, 2014

Dorfman corrected the Brian Kaskie item to delete the word “faculty.”  The amended minutes (Gussin motion) were approved.

Kuntz distributed copies of the Association of Emeritus Faculty May, 12, 2014 Annual Meeting minutes.  No discussion/action.

Electronic vote re: Charles Ringgold Emeritus Status

Associate Provost Rice provided letters of support from Deans Johnsen and Hand.  The EFC voted by email to support Emeritus Status for Ringgold.  Provost Butler will ultimately act on the request.

Menninger moved/Gussin 2nd:  that the EFC establish as policy that we must have a CV to consider a request for emeritus status when the individual has served less than 10 years.   Motion passed.  It was also noted that adjunct faculty are not eligible for emeritus status. 

Emeritus Faculty Lecture SeriesGussin

All dates and speakers are set for the Fall semester and early months of Spring Semester.  The updated list is posted on the website.  Speaker emphasis is on emeritus faculty who are currently doing research.

Sept/Gilbert program – about 60 people attended.

Donham will seek a speaker from Public Health.

EFC Program Speakers - Summers

Dates:  Nov. 3rd and Dec. 2nd

Suggestions:  *John Culshaw (library); Chris Brus(WISE); Dan Reed; *Richard Saunders or Shelly Kurtz(benefits);*Kevin Kregel (Associate Provost); Maggie Jesse or Steve Flagle (IT); someone from the Board of Regents (re: Deloit)  *=preferred priority

Library Committee Dorfman

Director Culshaw comes to all Library Committee Meetings and is enthusiastic.  The Sept. meeting was an update:

  • The Library Self Study is complete and will be forwarded to the Provost’s office
  • The new faculty study room will be complete by January.  It will be open to all faculty, not just emeritus faculty
  • Renovation of the Main Library exhibition space for permanent and traveling exhibits.  Financing  = ½  from the Carver Trust and ½ from general and gift funds for a total of $1.3M
  • 5th floor gallery “freshened up”
  • Shared Book Repository – journals w/ Indiana University and now books have been added
  • New hire – Associate Librarian Carmelita Pickett

Faculty SenateMenninger  (from email prior to meeting)

This is a selected summary of the proceedings at the last (9/16/14) meeting of the Faculty Senate: those bits of more interest to emeritus faculty.

Provost Butler summarized the Regents' new "Performance-Based Funding" formula for U/IA, ISU, UNI.

Among the points he raised that have not been widely reported (unlike the U/IA shortfall that will result from the new stress on Iowa resident enrollment) are a plan to increase enrollment by 4000 in five years (from 31,000 to 35,000).  Colleges with increased enrollment will receive bonuses.  The intention is to maintain the U/IA reputation (we're #27 in the current poll!).  Facilities Planning believes the architectural resources are already sufficient to accommodate the larger enrollment.  Not discussed was the issue of courses offering laboratories or other exercises that require architecture other than lecture halls or classrooms with desks.

The Regents Admission Index will be altered to account for the experience that many large secondary schools no longer rank their students [class rank was an important component in the RAI].

Erika Lawrence and Richard Fumerton discussed the TIER Efficiency Review (by Deloitte).

The component of this review concerning academic programs was sub-contracted out and the sub-contractor has been relieved of duties; a replacement will be chosen.

"Business Cases" for administrative activities have been prepared, will be released on Friday (9/19/14) and a meeting with Deloitte will be held next Monday.  The original schedule was to have a public meeting on the cases 10/15/14 and a Regents' meeting (with decisions?) on 10/22-23/14.   The Faculty Council has protested about the pace of consideration of these "cases" and Mark Braun (Regents' point person on TIER) is said to report that matters will be slowed down to receive faculty input. 

Several of the "cases" have to do with IT services.

Kevin Ward presented an upcoming "Working at Iowa Survey".  It will be held 10/14-28/14 on line, comprise 20 items and will be important.  Everyone is encouraged to lobby colleagues to participate (the goal is 70% of 15,000 employees).  Results will be available in the new year and will broken down to unit level (provided at least 15% of unit participates).

Meeting discussion:  Regarding the Deloit proposals, check out reports on the areas affected – Finance, IT & HR.  Also, concern at the FRIC meeting regarding fringe benefits recommendations.

Northwest University Provost Inquiry – Kuntz

NU wanted to know what kinds of space and support we have from the UI.  Kuntz will reply.

EFC Website - Boe

Show and tell of updated site at  .  Council members should go to the site for review and provide feedback to Boe.  Agreement that this revised site should be the official site of the EFC/EFA.  An email will be sent from the Communicatins Committee to all EFA members.  Brenda Bradley has provided excellent support. 

A short discussion of the Faculty Handbook ensued.  It probably needs to be updated (last 2010); should we be the ones to do it?

Sharp asked about our e-list and use by College reps to send info to colleagues:  the list can be sorted by colleges.  The group decided that monthly meeting speakers should primarily be for the EFC.  Isolated guests would be welcome however, we don’t have space to accommodate large groups.

New Business

Donham reminded the group that policies regarding retiring faculty continuing to advise graduate students and remaining as PI’s on grants still needs to be discussed.   Craft-Rosenberg questioned if there is anything in the Faculty Handbook; Donham reported not finding anything.

Info will be sought and brought back to the Nov. meeting.

Next meeting:  11/3  9:30a.m.  2520B UCC

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Minutes by Jamie Sharp

Items carried over to Nov. agenda

Retired faculty advising students and PI on grants

August 25, 2014

Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes

August 25, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by President Kuntz.

Attendance:  Kuntz, Johnson, Donham, Gussin, Boe, Levin, Schantz, Menninger, Sharp, Craft-Rosenberg, Stoner, Flanagan, Weingeist & Summers

Distribution of agenda, membership & committee lists


Kuntz and Gussin have agreed to continue in their current leadership roles if it is the will of the group.

Boe moved, Levin 2nd to elect Kuntz as President and Gussin as Vice President.  Motion passed.

Minutes approval – July 18th

This was an informal meeting called by President Kuntz.  No formal minutes were recorded.  New council members were introduced and some committee positions were filled.  Minutes will be provided in the future.

Committee Assignments

Committee representatives were finalized.  The updated list will be posted on the website.  Liaisons will be notified of respective meetings or they can look them up on the committee websites.

Other potential committees   

Entertaining foreign students

Discussion groups (e.g. book group)

             Event group(s) in Des Moines

EFC Website

Boe will take the lead on updating the site.  He has already provided an email that identifies several problem areas and those that need updating.  Johnson also submitted suggestions for updates. 

Flanagan noted that meeting minutes go back to 2000.  Do we need to keep that many years on the site?   It was agreed to keep all the minutes on the site as they don’t take up much space and they provide easy access to historical records.

EFC Newsletter – Gussin

Discussion re: a monthly e-newsletter that would provide updates from committee reports.  A newsletter could be in conjunction with the website. 

Emails would have to be accurate to reach everyone if there was a separate distribution.

Emeritus Faculty benefits Kuntz

Suggested areas of benefits :  ITS support; Iowa Live Well Program; Wellness Center and Tennis courts (free or discounted membership); parking/universal lot key card.

Council members agree that there should be no distinction between faculty and emeritus faculty w/ regard to benefits. 

FRIC should be an ally  w/ EFC because when emeritus faculty are healthy, they potentially will use less health care.

Kuntz and Gussin will meet with the Associate Provost.

(Note:  Brenda Bradley is our liaison in the Provost’s office)

EFC Questionnaire

Irwin & Dorfman will take the lead on this. 

The annual questionnaire gathers information about emeritus faculty activities.  The survey could potentially seek info about who might use the benefits we are seeking e.g. Wellness center, tennis courts, etc. 

Emeritus Faculty Lecture SeriesGussin

All dates and speakers are set for the Fall semester and early months of Spring Semester.  The updated list will be posted on the website. 

Brian Kaskie proposal

Kaskie has asked the EFC (through conversation w/ Kuntz) to consider endorsing a senior residence facility in Iowa City.  This would be a commercial venture. 

The EFC is not interested in endorsing this proposal.  Anyone wishing to contact Mr. Kaskie can do so at .

University Library proposal Kuntz

Kuntz has continued contact w/ John Culshaw, Head Librarian, regarding a designated room in the main library for emeritus faculty to use.  In an 8/6/15 email, Culshaw reports that a work order for readying a room on the 3rd floor, north end has been issued.  Target for completion is 2/15.  Council members are encouraged to “use it or lose it.”  Professor Linda Kerber is one person who really wants to use the room when it is available.

AROHE MeetingKuntz

This bi-annual meeting took place in Minnesota and was attended by reps from college and universities nation-wide.   There were plenary and panel sessions.  Kuntz has program materials for those who wish to review them.

New Business

Donham noted that policies regarding retiring faculty continuing to advise graduate students and remaining as PI’s on grants are vague.  Some colleges allow continuance, however this is not consistent across all colleges. 

It was noted that an EFC founder, James Clifton, died recently. 

Next meeting:  10/6  9:30a.m.  2520B UCC

The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m.

Items carried over to Oct. agenda

Other potential committees  

EFC Newsletter

Retired faculty advising students and PI on grants

Minutes by Jamie Sharp

April 21, 2014 (Campus Planning Meeting)

Campus Planning Committee
attended by Irwin P. Levin
April 21, 2014

I attended the meeting of the Campus Planning Committee (CPC) held at the University Services Building on 21 April 2014. Chaired by John Beldon Scott, the meeting was attended by about a dozen people.

CPC is charged with providing advice on general policies concerning the University’s physical campus and facilities, as well as on specific proposals for new buildings/facilities and major revisions in ongoing projects.

Most of the meeting time was spent discussing two football-related projects. The first is the installation of an expanded antenna system at Kinnick Stadium designed to improve the ability of fans to use cell phones, text messaging, and e-mail access while in attendance. This was deemed important in order to maintain fan satisfaction and for safety reasons when messages might need to be sent quickly and clearly. The new antennas would be placed at about 20 new locations on flagpoles around the stadium and would be unobtrusive. The committee approved going forward with this project in the fall at Kinnick and perhaps in the future at Hawkeye-Carver Arena. The considerable expense would be handled by the Athletic Department and its sponsors and not by general university funds.

The second issue concerned the naming of the planned Football Performance Center. A name has been proposed and is awaiting final approval from the Board of Regents. CPC voiced its approval though some members were not entirely happy with the aesthetics of the Center. One member quipped that it looked like a box.

Additionally, the naming of a future Residence Hall is moving forward, again depending on approval of the Board of Regents.

Other items mentioned just briefly were progress on the new Pharmacy Building plans—CPC expects to see design plans in the near future, banner installation in the Lindquist Center, the status of Herky on Parade (a planned summer event), and preliminary plans for a new Psychology Building.

For the Emeritus Faculty Council,
Irwin Levin

March 3, 2014

EFC Minutes

March 3, 2014

Members attending:  Warren Boe, William Buss, Claibourne Dungy, Douglas Flanagan, Rose Marie Friedrich, Gary Gussin, Ken Kuntz, Irwin Levin, John Menninger, Robert Summers, Tom Weingeist

Members absent:  Lorraine Dorfman, Benny Hawkins, Nancy Sprince

The EFC meeting in room 2520B of UCC was opened at 9:35 a.m. on Mar. 3, 2014 by Gary Gussin since Ken Kuntz was inadvertently delayed by traffic. Once Ken arrived, he continued with the planned agenda.

I. Minutes from Nov. 4 and Dec. 2, 2013 EFC meetings were approved

II. Tom Weingeist presented information bearing upon forthcoming EFC elections:

EFC members who may run again since currently they’re in their 1st term, 3d year:

Both Gary Gussin (CLAS, on Research Council and FRIC) and Tom Weingeist (College of Med., on Elections Comm. & Faculty Senate/Council) are willing to serve a 2d term.

William Buss (College of Law, on Hancher/Art Museum Comm. & FRIC) prefers not to continue, but is willing to reconsider if a replacement cannot be found.

EFC members who must be replaced, completing their 2d term, 3d year:

Claibourne Dungy (College of Med., on Annual Meeting comm. & Senior College),

Rose Friedrich (College of Nursing, on Campus Planning & Faculty Senate/Council), and Nancy Sprince (College of Public Health, on Libraries Comm. & UIRA Liaison). 

Members were urged to seek new candidates from respective colleges and the Chair requested that these candidates should agree to serve before being place on the ballot. Voting is limited to the college applicant’s previous college affiliation. A Graduate College Rep needs to be found since Ray Muston stepped down. Moreover, Warren Boe, recently appointed, needs to stand for election. 

III. UIHC Patient Care: Tom Weingeist has interacted with the UIHC administration regarding concerns of patients and the possibility of a dinner meeting including up to 30 persons that has been offered by the hospital to discuss concerns and potential improvements in service. EFC members voted to accept the invitation. 

IV. Gary Gussin reported on his efforts to bring emeritus faculty email addresses up to date. He also mentioned the success of the first Emeritus Faculty Lecture by Richard De Puma on February 27. There was continued enthusiasm to extend this proposal to a series. Tom Weingeist and Irwin Levin volunteered to serve on a committee to invite additional high quality lecturers with interesting topics for the series. Publicity will be arranged for the DI, “Iowa Now,” DEOs, Deans, Oaknoll, and the EFC website.

V.  The Annual Meeting/Monthly Program Committee will invite speakers for the next EFC meeting on April 7 and the Annual Emeritus Faculty meeting on May 12. 

VI. President Kuntz closed the meeting at 11:20 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Robert Summers, MD