EFC Agenda, Tuesday, 9:30 am, 2520B UCC,
September 4 , 2018
Deceased: Diane Horton, Biology, died 24 June; Calvin Siebert, Economics, died 4 July; Satish Khera, Family Dentistry, died 12 July; Laird Addis, Philosophy, died 31 July; Earl Eyman, Electrical-Computer Engineering, died 29 August.
Minutes are now taken by rotation of committee members. Volunteers solicited for the 9/4/ meeting (or, if someone would be willing to become permanent secretary, the other officers would be delighted!)
Election of new Vice President 2018-2019.
Emeritus Faculty Lectures – John Menninger.
University Committee Reports from anyone.
Old Business
Departmental Support and Involvement of Emeritus Faculty : Recommendations for Improvement. Our list of recommendations has been shared with the Provost’s office. We should hear soon if they wish to forward them to the Deans. (Past-president Johnson).
New Business
Emeriti helping the University to successfully nominate faculty for prestigious awards (Miriam Gilbert).
“Emerita”: official versus unofficial title (Past-president Johnson).
Hearing loops for auditorium used at the annual general meeting (Past-president Johnson).
Next EFC Meeting Monday, October 1, 2018 9:30-11:00am