Friday, February 1, 2019

EFC Agenda, Monday, 9:30 am, 2520B UCC
February 4, 2019

Approval of agenda: Menninger

Approval of Minutes 12/03/18 - Gilbert/Berman

   Stephen Foster           College of Liberal Arts and Sciences    Art & Art History              11/26/2018
   Clemens A. Full         College of Dentistry                              Pediatric Dentristy             12/08/18
   Henry Horwitz            College of Liberal Arts and Sciences   History                                01/19/19
   Jerry Kuhn                  College of Education                            Teaching and Learning       12/02/18
   Thomas Lewis            College of Liberal Arts and Sciences    Spanish and Portuguese      12/06/18
   Oliver Steele               College of Liberal Arts and Sciences    English                                12/05/18
   Richard Stevenson      College of Business                               Finance                                11/16/18
   Keith Thayer               College of Dentistry                              Prosthodontics                     12/18/18

Old Business

       University Committee Reports from anyone

New Business


Next EFC Meeting: Monday, March 4, 2019 9:30-11:00 am