Call to Order: Wanat
Welcome new member Larry Fleckenstein; introductions
Remembrances: William A. Matthes, May 18, Education; Howard Rogovin, July 8, CLAS; Luis Urdanteta, Medicine, July 21; Robert E. Yager, August 6, Education
New Emeritus Faculty: Meredith Alexander, CLAS; Lioness Ayres, Nursing; Max Baker, Medicine; Maria Jose Barbosa, CLAS; Gary Lynn Baumbach, Medicine; Douglas Baynton, CLAS; Howard Butcher, Nursing; David Hingstman, CLAS; David Kearns, Medicine; Raymond Kuthy, Dentistry; Richard Valentine, Engineering; Mickey Wells, Pharmacy
Approval of Minutes:
- May EFC meeting—Gilbert
- AEF meeting—Gilbert
Election of EFC Vice President and Secretary: Gilbert has agreed to serve as vice president and Berman as secretary.
Election of Council Members: Two CLAS vacancies
Review and Reports on EFC Committee Assignments:
- Elections—Mitros, Vlastos
- Program (EFC and AEF Annual Meeting)—Stoner (Chair), Johnson, Wanat
- Lecture Series—Gilbert (Chair), Gussin (Consultant)
- Communications/Website—Boe (Chair), Flanagan, Cobb
EFC Liaisons with University committees/organizations:
- Campus Planning—Hines
- FRIC—Shirazi, Valde
- UIRA—Cobb
- Research Council—Stoner
- Library—Gilbert
- Faculty Senate/Council—Mitros
- Hancher—Valde
- Recreation Services—Donham
- Senior College—Boe, Donham, Johnson, Mitros, Wanat
- Parking and Transportation—Stoner
Old Business:
- Revised policy on emeritus status for retirees (April 2, 2019)
- Other
New Business:
- Report on meeting with Provost (Berman, Gilbert, Wanat)
- Speakers for EFC meetings
- Potential speaker for AEF meeting
- University news this summer (new provost, new VP for research, new CLAS dean)
New health plan approved; Grants reached all time high; $115 NASA grant; Open
Hawks library project; Kregel named executive vice provost and senior associate provost for faculty; 32% reduction in high-risk drinking; Continued exploration on public-private utility partnership; HR training for supervisors Independence of faculty cluster areas) (as reported in Iowa Now)
- Other
Goals for the Year: