Emeritus Faculty Council Agenda
9:30-11:00 AM December 6th
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Call to Order: Mitros
Meeting Host: Mitros
Approval of November Minutes: Submitted by Chris Atchison
(Note: after soliciting corrections via email which resulted in minor corrections, the October minutes were approved)
Debbie Millsap, who had been our point of contact with the Provost’s Office, has retired. Her replacement is Alaina Hanson (alaina-hanson@uiowa.edu)
Newly retired and recently deceased Faculty (as of November 30th)
Name |
College |
Retirement Date |
William Silverman |
Medicine |
12/21/2021 |
Alan MacVey |
6/30/2022 |
Mark Marz |
Denstistry |
6/30/2021 |
Christopher Goerdt |
Medicine |
1/5/2022 |
Marc Armstrong |
12/31/2021 |
Deceased |
College |
Date of Death |
Stefan Loening |
Medicine |
10/8/2021 |
Richard DeGowin |
Medicine |
11/24/2021 |
Moment of Silence
I am sure that several Faculty have died since the last EFC meeting who are not on this list. If you are aware of any recently dceased faculty you can email me, or bring up their name at the December meeting, I asked Alaina Hanson how she constructs these lists. She answered “The only way I get my information is through forms that are processed through my office. When I see termination forms for deceased faculty and when I see appointment forms for Emeritus faculty, I add them to the list”
Suggestion: Perhaps we should take an active role and send names of Emeriti who have recently deceased to the Provost’s Office. They can be funneled through me (or the next President) and sent on to Alaina.
Permissive Conferral of Emeritus Status
Follow-up of discussions concening Drs. Matz and Canady
Dr. Matz (Dentistry)
To Lois Geist: a discussion came up regarding whether Adjunct Faculty could become Emeriti, and whether Adjunct Emeriti had that as part of their tile (seperate from other Emeriti)
From Lois Geist: “Adjuncts can request emeritus status based on a review of titles that are currently out there”
Dr. John Canady (Otolaryngology)
Dr. Canady meets all the requirements for Emeritus status (see CV). The unusual aspect is that he retired in 2011 and left his Department to go in to industry. It is not clear why he did not ask for and receive Emeritus status then, or why he is asking for it now. Lois Geist assures me that he left the College of Medicine in good standing.
From Lois Geist: “I do not think I need a vote on Dr. Canady. Prior to his departure he would have had enough time to qualify for conferral.”
No new candidates for permissive conferral to review.
Report on EFC committee assignments:
- Elections: Gilbert (Chair), Mitros, Hauserman
- Program: Anderson, Fleckenstein, Vlastos, Wanat
- Lecture Series: Gardinier (Chair), Gilbert, Mitros (Consultant)
- Most recent lecture was on Thursday, November 18th
Bull in a China Shop by Jacob Odgaard
- Communications/Website: Fleckenstein, Lenth
Report on Liaisons with University committees/organizations:
. Campus planning: Anderson
- FRIC: Shirazi, Valde
- UIRA: Mitros
- Research Council: Berman
- Library: Hauserman, Lenth
- Faculty Senate/Council: Gardinier, Vlastos
- Hancher: Valde, Shirazi
- Recreation Services: Atchison
- Parking and Transportation: Mitros, Odgaard
- President’s Committee on Athletics: Hines
Old Business:
Continuation of discussion of the relationship of EFC and Senior College. Would a Senior College Committee member serving as a liaison to the EFC suffice, or is there a need to have an EFC member serve simultaneously as a Senior College Committee member?
New Business:
George Johnson, formerly a member of the EFC and a long time member of the Senior College Committee noted with dismay that some Emeriti (including some distinguished ones) seemed unaware of the Senior College and how to get on the Senior College mailing list. He suggested that the EFC might mail the membership (that is, all Emeriti for whom we have addresses) and inform them about the Senior College and how to get on the mailing list for courses. He thought this would be a service to Emeriti, and might widen the net of potential speakers for SC courses (and for EFC lectures).
Is this a good use of resources? Would it be interpreted by some as “unwanted advertising”?
How often are mass emails sent out to the entire Emeritus group? For the annual May meeting? For EFC lectures? Other instances? Is this a tool we should use more, or just reserve it for a limited number of specific circumstances?
No Speaker for today