Monday, February 6, 2023


EFC Meeting, 9:30 a.m. Feb. 6, 2023

Meeting Room A, Conference Center

Zoom URL (

  1. Roll Call
  2. Guest Speaker: Steve Fleagle, ITS
  3. Approval of Minutes, Dec. 5, 2022 Meeting
  4. New Emeritus Faculty

James Cremer         CLAS

Sabine Golz              CLAS

Alan Stolpem           CCOM

Marcia Cordis          CCOM

Amy An                     CBUS

Steve Varga              CCOM

  1. Recently Deceased Emeritus Faculty

Ken Mobily                     CLAS       12/28/2022

Isidore Gormezano       CLAS       1/05/2023

Kenneth Stark                CLAS       1/08/2023

Gerald Solomons           CCOM    1/11/2023

Stanley Thompson        CCOM    1/15/2023

William Stanford           CCOM    1/28/2023     

  1. Moment of Silence in Remembrance
  2. Recommendation re Request for Permissive Conferral of Emeritus Status (Materials distributed)
  3. Reports from EFC Committees
  1. Elections: Cole & Gilbert
  2. Program: Anderson & Westefeld
  3. Lecture Series: Gardinier, Gilbert & Scott-Conner
  4.  Web Page : Lenth
  1.  Reports from Liaisons to University Committees
  1.  Campus Planning: Anderson
  2. Faculty Senate and Council: Gardinier & Rasmussen
  3. FRIC: Shirazi & Sorofman
  4. Hancher & Stanley Art Museum: Valde
  5. Libraries: Cole & Lenth
  6. Parking & Transportation: Odgaard & Scott-Connor
  7. President’s Committee on Athletics: Hines
  8. Recreational Services: Atchison
  9. Research Council: Berman
  10. Senior College: Mitros
  11. UIRA: Cobb
  1. Old Business: Discussion on Standards for EFC Recommendations on Requests for Permissive Grants of Emeritus Status. (Background materials distributed)
  2. New Business: (Members please suggest)
  3. Adjourn