Monday, April 1, 2024



9:30 a.m. Monday, April 1 2024


(UCC, With Zoom Connection.)


President Berman called the meeting to order at 9:32


Roll Call:

EFC Members Attending: Christopher Atchison, Constance Berman, Ana Diaz-Arnold, Minnetta Gardinier, Diane Huber, Russell Lenth, Mary Ann Rasmussen, William Silverman, Bernard Sorofman, Shelton Stromquist, john Westefeld, 


EFC Members Absent: Warren Boe, Sheldon Kurtz, Jacob Odgaard, Carol Scott-Connor, Tricia Zebrowski


Other participants: Ann Howard, Office of the Provost; Andre Perry, The Chuck Swanson Executive Director, Hancher Auditorium


Approval of Minutes.  The minutes for March 2024 were approved as distributed.


New Emeritus Faculty

Name                                                            College                                                         Retirement Date

Tom Rice                                                      CLAS-Political Science                             January 1, 2024

Carlyn Christensen-Szalanski                CCOM-Emergency Medicine                 July 1, 2024

Joni Kinsey Fields                                      CLAS-Art & Art History                            July 1, 2024

Kee-Ho Yuen                                              CLAS- Art &Art History                            July 1, 2024


Recently Deceased Emeritus Faculty

Name                                                            College                                                                       Date

Helen Chadima                                          CLAS                                                              February 26, 2024

Valdean Lembke                                       CBUS                                                             February 27, 2024

Fred Dee                                                      CCOM                                                           March 4, 2024

Florindo Cerreta                                        CLAS                                                              March 7, 2024

David Klemm                                              CLAS-Religious Studies                            March 17, 2024


Moment of Silence in Remembrance

Reports from EFC Committees

Elections – Diane Huber, Mary Ann Rasmussen, Bill Silverman (Berman, ex officio) Huber opened a general discussion regarding potential candidates from the various colleges. She stressed concern about candidates from CLAS and Engineering. Silverman suggested an amendment to the bylaws that the EFC be authorized to identify “one-off” candidates who could be invited to serve when there is a need to fill a problematic vacancy or to recruit an outstanding candidate. Rasmussen suggested that a broad invitation be sent out to individual college emeritus faculty announcing that there is a vacancy. Rasmussen will draft a letter for the purpose of recruiting candidates.


Lentz explained the process for elections and that it is shown on the Emeritus Faculty website.  He went over the current designations and noted that we only have three from COM but are authorized to have 5 from that College. He also noted that the size of the council should be revisited to be workable, now 1 rep per fifty EF, maybe raise to 75. It was also noted that by-laws change would need to go to the full membership for balloting.  Lentz volunteered to draft by-laws change for approval at the May meeting.


Atchison referred the group to the Operations Manual and the detailing of the EFC.  Discussion noted that the by-laws should be responsive to the Operations Manual. 


Sorofman noted that the EFC should avoid becoming insular by combining a personal request to identified candidates along with the general letter to the EFC Association of Emeritus Faculty noting the need for EFC members. 


Program – Ana Diaz-Arnold, Sheldon Kurtz, John Westefeld (Berman, ex officio) No report


Lecture Series – Carol Scott-Conner, Shelton Stromquist, Shelton announced 
De Bruce Tomblin, Professor Emeritus of Communication Sciences and Disorders, will speak on “Language and Health: Language abilities and children’s well-being 


Webpage – Russell Lenth, Minnetta Gardinier, Bernard Sorofman – No report

Reports from Liaisons to University Committees 

Campus Planning: Jacob Odgaard – No report

Faculty Senate and Council: Minnetta Gardinier & Mary Ann Rasmussen – No report

FRIC: Sheldon Kurtz & William Silverman – No report

Hancher and Art Museum: Ana Diaz-Arnold & Bernard Sorofman – No report

Libraries: Russell Lenth & Diane Huber – No report

Parking and Transportation: Warren Boe & Carol Scott Conner – No report

President’s Committee on Athletics: John Westefeld & Tricia Zebrowski – No report

Recreational Services: Christopher Atchison – No report

Research Council: Shelton Stromquist – Stromquist asked that a work group be formed to review the Research Survey to identify steps that could be taken to improve research work. Sorofman volunteered to help.

Senior College: Warren Boe – No report


Old Business: The annual meeting is May 14 with the speaker Miriam Gilbert.  Ann Howard will make arrangements for RSVP and catering.

New Business: Guidelines for committee liaison reports – Sorofman pointed out the complications of attaching minutes of the various committees and liaison reports.  Atchison noted that former Chair Hines cited the need for accuracy in formal minutes that should be captured. Sorofman accepted that but noted that there are frequent adjustments to the minutes that may or may not be captured by the EFC.

Silverman, as an EFC rep to the FRIC, expressed concern that highlights be shared with the EF as a general policy.  Berman suggested that further discussion be put on the May agenda.

Guest Speaker Introduction: Ana Diaz Arnold introduced Andre Perry, the executive director of Hancher Auditorium and the Office of Performing Arts and Engagement at the University of Iowa 

Perry provided historical and operational information on the office of performing arts and engagement. 

He also reviewed the for the Office encompassing program both on campus as well as special attention to K-12 students. He commented that he has established an active communications and collaborative strategies involving artists and students.

Perry also described the Office’s funding model and it’s support from University Administration. In 2024 3.6 million revenue with 24% from the University.  He also noted that 51% of the expenditures go to performance production. 

Perry also stressed support for student experience as workers is a priority and reviewed the Office’s strategic priorities: people – programs – access to arts across the state. He said the Vision is to establish one of the most arts engaged campuses in America.

Berman – Is there a “Food Pantry” for the students. Perry said there is one in the Union and that staff look out for student needs.

Gardinier expressed appreciation for engagement with the senior centers and asked about pricing structure and demographics in the community.  Perry said there are different threads of programming to provide a broad range of pricing and that there is attention to ensure ticket costs meeting a “middle ground” to ensure access while still meeting budget requirements.

Sorofman asked how the EFC might connect and help with success. Perry said they would like to discuss the programs to be presented in the future.  Sorofman said he is a rep of the EFC and would like to meet periodically. Perry agreed. 

Gardinier and Stromquist noted there is also a lecture committee that could be another venue for sharing information

Berman adjourned the meeting at 11:10