May 16, 2022 (AEF annual meeting)
Association of Emeritus Faculty (AEF) Minutes
General Meeting, May 16, 2022, via Zoom
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Frank Mitros, President of Emeritus Faculty Council. He provided brief guidelines for the zoom meeting, a brief agenda and introduced the members of the Council adding special thanks to members leaving after completing their terms:
- Nancy Hauserman, Tippie College of Business,
- Carolyn Wanat, College of Education,
- Stephen Vlastos, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
- Larry Fleckenstein, College of Pharmacy.
Mitros also noted that this was his final meeting representing the College of Medicine.
Mitros noted that the number of Council members from each College generally reflects the number of faculty in those individual colleges. He gave a brief overview of the functions of the Council and its connection to the Office of the Provost, noting that the Provost is responsible for determining emeritus status and that the EFC involvement is only occasional in permissive conferral situations, these largely being due to technical considerations such as time in rank.
Mitros stressed the value of the emeritus faculty to university, noting that many emeriti remain engaged in teaching and research as well as serving on committees and doing outreach to the wider community.
Mitros then reviewed the recent functioning of the Council as it has been impacted by Covid Pandemic noting that in previous years the Annual meeting was in person, with a luncheon. However, due to Covid the 2020 meeting was cancelled, and both the 2021 and 2022 meetings have been restricted to Zoom.
Mitros then gave some personal comments reflecting on his life and career leading from northeastern New Jersey to Seton Hall and the University of Chicago to Iowa. He remarked that an observation formed during his career has led him to move out of the siloes in which an individual operates, for example moving awareness from a Department to a College, to the University and beyond. He cited the influence of former President Sandy Boyd on his career and noted the three organizations that collectively have the pursued the goal of outreach: the EFC, the Senior College, and the University of Iowa Retirees Association.
President Mitros then called for a moment of silence in honor of colleagues who passed away during the last academic year. A list of those remembered is attached to the minutes.
Mitros then introduced Bill Hines who is the incoming president. Hines is a former dean of the College of Law and served under 10 University of Iowa Presidents.
Hines said it is an honor to assume this role. He noted that he joined the University 60 years before during the tenure of President Virgil Hancher. He noted that before 1962 there was no faculty council or concept of shared governance. He observed that shared governance is still a work in process as the EFC, established during the tenure of President David Skorton in 2002. He announced that current President Wilson will be invited to address the EFC in the Fall. Hines stressed the need to better share the fact of the EFC council and its role as well as the benefits of emeritus faculty keeping in touch what is going on in campus. Hines concluded with appreciation for President Mitros’s service and wished him well.
Mitros regained the chair and introduced Miriam Gilbert, Chair, Elections Committee who reported on the unanimous election of new members of the Council.
College of Business. Cathy Cole (for a first 3-year term).
College of Education. John Westefeld (for a first 3-year term).
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Mary Ann Rasmussen (for a first 3-year term).
College of Medicine. Carol Scott-Conner (for a first 3-year term).
College of Pharmacy. Bernard Sorofman (for a first 3-year term).
Mitros then introduced Minnetta Gardinier and Miriam Gilbert to discuss the Emeritus Faculty Lecture Series organized for the 2021-2022 session.
Gardinier reviewed the lecture titles and speakers for the past year:
Empowering Domestic Violence Victims - Shelly Kurtz
Thursday, April 21, 2022, 4:00 p.m.
Centennial Tensions in Theatre Arts - Kim Marra, PhD
Thursday, March 24, 2022, 4:00 p.m.
Brazilian "Choro" Music - Maurita Murphy Marx
Thursday, February 17, 2022, 4:00 p.m.
Emeritus Faculty Lecture Series: Bull in a China Shop
Thursday, November 18, 2021, 4:00 p.m.
Inside the Fences and Beyond the Bars: Higher Ed at Oakdale Prison (a panel discussion)
Thursday, October 21, 2021, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Videos of the lectures are available at:
Gardinier concluded by asking that the emeritus faculty support the series by suggesting ideas or speakers to her at or Miriam Gilbert at
Mitros then profiled the Senior College, its history, makeup, and goal of providing courses to the community at large. He noted that the programs given by a wide variety of individuals not necessarily members of the University and that a course generally consists of four weekly 2-hour sessions. A fee or tuition for a course is $30.00 and though recently done by Zoom it is hoped that live presentations will return soon. He said more information about the Senior College at its offerings can be found at
Mitros then highlighted the close relationship between the University of Iowa Retirees Association (UIRA) and the EFC noting that EFC members Carolyn Wanat is the current UIRA president and EFC member Deborah Cobb is the incoming President. He noted that more information is about the UIRA is available on their website:
Mitros concluded that a primary objective for his term has been linking and cross fertilization between the three major groups involving UI retirees – the Association of Emeritus Faculty (AEF) via EFC, the University of Iowa Retirees Association (UIRA), and Senior College. A final example of this collaboration was a presentation, co-sponsored by the Senior College and the University of Iowa Lecture Committee, by Bill Nye, the Science Guy. Links to the program were also made available on the Emeritus Association and the UIRA’s web sites.
Mitros then introduced EFC member Russ Lenth who described the EFC website and the many links to information about the University that would be of interest to the emeritus faculty. This includes reports EFC minutes and reports from important University Committees addressing shared governance, insurance, and parking. Lenth recommended review of the EFC site: for more information. Incoming President Hines suggested that minutes of the EFC liaison committees might have a separate listing on the website.
Mitros then introduced Jill Valde, the liaison to the University’s Hancher Auditorium Committee. She spoke specifically and with praise about the retirement of long-time director Chuck Swanson.
Mitros then introduced Christopher Atchison, liaison to the Recreation Services Committee, who pointed out the Wellness Programs offered through the four on campus recreation facilities and that more information and tours could be arranged through Mallory Valentine 319/335-6218 or their website:
Mitros then introduced Minnetta Gardinier who described the activities of the Faculty Senate and the Faculty Council. Minutes of these meetings can be found on the EFC website. She noted that reviewing these minutes is a “Great way to get a sense of what is happening across campus.”
Mitros also pointed out that information about campus parking and transportation can be found on the EFC website. This concluded the business portion of the Annual Meeting.
Mitros introduced the guest speaker Professor Harleah Buck (PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN) the Sally Mathis Hartwig Professor in Gerontologic Nursing Director, Csomay Center for Gerontologic Excellence to address the topic: Envisioning a Future of Optimal Aging and Well-Being for Older Adults and their Caregivers: The Barbara and Richard Csomay Center for Gerontologic Excellence
Buck gave a brief of her background noting that she came to Iowa and the College of Nursing in 2020 from Southwest Florida. Previously she had a 20-year clinical career in hospice care before attending the University of South Florida where she obtained her PhD with a focus on older adults.
She described the mission and plan of the Csomay Center to improve our understand of aging and identified the breadth of experience in her colleges and partners in the Center. ( She also noted that there is a Board of Regents goal to build partnerships across Iowa and so she has reached out to both Iowa State and Northern Iowa. She invited the emeritus faculty to consider working with this center.
She shared the Strategic plan for the Center built on the vision of “Optimal health and well-being for all older adults and their caregivers.” The plan has around 5 goal areas; Age-Friendly Practices, Pipeline of Professionals, Visibility and Engagement, Diverse Partnerships and Sustainable Resources. She identified several programs in place such as the Csomay Summer Scholars program aimed at helping undergraduates engage in gerontological research and gain real world experience and the formation of a palliative care incubator to advance the science and its dissemination.
Buck pointed out that aging is an aspect of diversity in our society, but it is too often generalized by ageism and issues of disability. As an example, Buck pointed to the complexity of addressing of geriatric pain further complicated by the opioid crisis. As a remedial strategy she suggested the need for more non-pharmacologic approaches to “wicked problems” in community-based care for older individuals.
Buck identified one strategy to address this perception problem is found in the Reframing Aging Initiative that is attempting to counter ageism by changing how we talk about aging. She stressed the relevance of this goal observing that “Ageism is a prejudice against your future self”.
Buck pointed to a project from the Hartford Foundation aimed at establishing Age Friendly Health Systems through a “4M” Framework. These four elements are keyed by the priority, What Matters, i.e., to “know and align care with each older adult’s specific health outcome goals and care preferences including, but not limited to, end-of-life care, and across settings of care. The other categories address topics of; medication, mentation, and mobility.
Buck then returned to her central theme that society need to place greater focus on issues facing older adults both in the workforce and in daily living. She also noted that physical therapy is an area of expertise in which we can expect growth
Buck concluded with contact information: Website –; Coordinator –; and her address –
Mitros then asked out the EFC might be of assistance and Buck asked if our membership can be added to their mailing list for sharing information on hot topics such as long-term care studies.
Adjourned at 12:00
Submitted by: Christopher Atchison
(Minutes approved by email vote on May 28, 2022.)
In Memory of:
John (Ira) Rapson CLAS 7/ 21/2021
George Knorr CLAS (Physics) 8/27/2021
John Lediaev CLAS 8/21/2021
Michelene Pesantubbee CLAS (Religion) 7/13/2021
Tuong Ton-That CLAS 1/3/2022
Miriam Gelfand CLAS 1/3/2022
Christine Grant CLAS 12/31/2021
Donald Gurnett CLAS 1/13/2022
Francoise Martinet-Moriarty CLAS 11/17/2021
Erwin Kleinfeld CLAS 1/14/2022
George (Bill) Walker CLAS 12/1/2021
Charles Hindes CLAS 11/22/2021
Carl Klaus CLAS 2/1/2022
Paul Diehl CLAS 3/17/2022
Daniel E Anderson CLAS 4/24/2011
Duane Thompson Tippie College of Business 1/1/2022
Frank Schmidt Tippie College of Business 8/ 21/ 2021
Charles Klasson Tippie College of Business 12/26/2021
Charles Sabiston College of Dentistry 6/16/2021
Jerry Walker College of Dentistry 12/30/2021
Lawrence Peterson College of Dentistry 8/22/2021
Lawrence Huber College of Dentistry 10/18/2021
John Wilson College of Education 10/9/2021
Linda Fielding College of Education 6/18/2021
Larry Bartlett College of Education 8/26/2021
Mildred Lavin College of Education 2/12/2022
Duane Van Demark College of Medicine 9/1/2021
Thomas Tephly College of Medicine 7/24/2021
Charles (Chuck) DeProsse College of Medicine 9/10/2021
James Martins College of Medicine 9/2/2021
Martin Sokoll College of Medicine 7/1/2021
Adel Kasim Afifi College of Medicine 10/18/2021
Stefan Loening College of Medicine 10/8/2021
Thomas O’Dorisio College of Medicine 2/2/2022
Richard DeGowin College of Medicine 11/24/2021
Nelson Gurll College of Medicine 12/29/2021
James Flanagan College of Medicine 11/30/2021
Phillip Schmid College of Medicine 12/14/2021
Jun Kimura College of Medicine 3/3/2022
Jerry Maynard College of Medicine 9/23/2021
Robert Foster Weir College of Medicine 12/20/2021
Eleanor McClelland College of Nursing 10/6/2021
Toni Tripp-Reimer College of Nursing 12/13/2021
Ting-Fong Chin College of Pharmacy 8/11/2021
Ronald Schoenwald College of Pharmacy 8/21/2019
Vijay Kumar College of Pharmacy 2/22/2022
May 2, 2022 Minutes
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes v2
May 2nd, 2022
Meeting held via Zoom
Call to Order: 9:31 by Mitros
Members Attending: Charlie Anderson, Christopher Atchison, Constance Berman, Deborah Cobb, Larry Fleckenstein, Minnetta Gardinier, Miriam Gilbert, Bill Hines, Russell Lenth, Frank Mitros, Jacob Odgaard, Siroos Shirazi, Stephen Vlastos, Carolyn Wanat,
Members Absent: Sam Cochran, Jill Valde, Nancy Hauserman
Approval of April Minutes: Submitted by Chris Atchison, v3 approved unanimously as amended.
New Emeriti:
Name College Retirement Date
Betty Moore CCOM 3/29/2022
Lowell Folsom CLAS 6/30/2022
Patrick Dolan CLAS 6/30/2022
Thomas Southard CDEN 11/1/2022
Wayne Johnson CCOM 7/7/2022
Janette Taylor CLAS 6/30/2022
Deceased College Date of Death
Vijay Kumar Cpharm 2/22/2022
Paul Diehl CLAS 3/17/2022
Daniel E Anderson CLAS 4/24/2011
Moment of Silence
New Business:
Lois Geist has asked if one or more members of the EFC would be willing to present at the retirement seminar, currently scheduled for Tuesday September 20th at 10 AM. The purpose would be to give an insight into retirement issues affecting Emeriti. Other presenters would include TIAA and UHR benefits. This would be in person with a hybrid option.
Charlie Anderson, Chris Atchison, Miriam Gilbert volunteered
President Wilson sent a message (an email from Tracy Sondgeroth on April 21st) informing us that she was no longer available for our May 16th Annual meeting but would “be pleased to attend a future meeting. Hines suggested we give her our Fall meeting schedule and allow her to choose the best date for her schedule. Mitros said he would follow up.
Mitros announced that we were able to obtain an agreement from Professor Harleah (Leah) Buck to present at the May 16th meeting. Her presentation is entitled Envisioning a Future of Optimal Aging and Well-Being for Older Adults and their Caregivers: The Barbara and Richard Csomay Center for Gerontologic Excellence She strongly preferred the Zoom option. Among the EFC there was wide concern that, due to the current variant, holding the annual meeting in person might be problematic. It was moved by Shirazi that the May 16th annual meeting be done by zoom only. Seconded by Anderson. Approved unanimously.
Hines raised the issue of how Council meetings would be held next Fall, hybrid, zoom or in person. There was considerable discussion of how to deal with the current increase in Covid. Consensus was that the Fall schedule will be planned would be Hybrid, with the on-site location preferably to be in the Old Capitol Center. Hines will contact the University to make arrangements.
Mitros shared an outline of the 2021 meeting as a guide to how this year’s meeting might be organized.
Discussion was regarding what committee and liaison reports should be part of the agenda. Anderson said we might rely on the regular reports on the Website. Mitros will send out a draft agenda with reports likely to come from Elections, Research, Website, Lecture and Senior College.
Report from EFC Committees:
Elections: Gilbert (Chair), Mitros, Hauserman. Gilbert announced the 5 newly elected members of the EFC:
College of Business. Cathy Cole (for a first 3-year term).
College of Education. John Westefeld (for a first 3-year term).
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Mary Ann Rasmussen (for a first 3-year term).
College of Medicine. Carol Scott-Conner (for a first 3-year term).
College of Pharmacy. Bernard Sorofman (for a first 3-year term).
Program: Anderson, Fleckenstein, Vlastos, Wanat. No Report
Lecture Series: Gardinier (Chair), Gilbert, Mitros (consultant). Gardinier noted that the program year is completed with 5 programs and recounted the last year’s programs. Jerald Schnoor from Engineering is the first Fall speaker.
Communications/Website: Fleckenstein, Lenth. Lenth announced there will be new software for the website this Fall.
Report from Liaisons with University Committees/Organizations:
Campus Planning: Anderson – No report
FRIC: Shirazi, Valde. No Report. Gilbert asked that we invite discussion with a representative of FRIC at a future meeting.
UIRA: Mitros. Wanat announced that the next program is May 11th with the new mayor of Coralville, Meghann Foster. The Gray Hawk newsletter has more information.
Research Council: Berman. Berman noted the Council has not met but noted in the Fall there will be workshops on better grant writing at 400/person. A follow up session will be 1,500/person. Gardinier said that is usual practice and has been aimed at the STEM development.
Library: Hauserman, Lenth. Lenth attended the last meeting and noted that the reduction in journal subscriptions continue. Because 90% of budget is for electronic materials this is part of the efforts to control expenditures. He also noted that the Board of Regents has approved funding for renovations of the Hardin library.
Faculty Senate/Council: Gardinier, Vlastos. Gardinier noted the faculty council met on March 8th and the Senate met April 26th. Reports from both meetings are attached.
Hancher: Valde, Shirazi – No Report
Recreation Services: Atchison - Minutes attached.
Senior College: Mitros – No report
Parking and Transportation: Mitros, Odgaard – No report
President’s Committee on Athletics: Hines – March and April reports filed. Hines also highlighted the development of athlete Name, Image and Likeness policies are going to challenge the organization of collegiate athletics. He indicated a very uncertain future.
Other Business:
Hines noted that he has heard that Pres Wilson wants more student attendance at Hancher events. Funding for Hancher will be dependent upon that variable. Members expressed optimism that the new leadership has experience with crowd building.
Visiting speaker: Dr. Nicholas Butler (Clinical Associate Professor, Family Medicine) will meet with us starting at 10:30 AM. He is the UIHC population health medical director and the medical director of the IRL Geriatric Clinic. He has expertise in federal policy and a specific interest in the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) shift away from fee for service policies.
His focus is Medicare and Population health. Message included the fact that the system is facing financial challenge and a possible solution might include “Value-based Care” and how federal policy (MACRA) is shaping the future health system.
Dr. Butler’s slides are attached
Meeting adjourned at 11:12
May 2, 2022 Committee reports
EFC Committee Liaison Reports April 2022 v1
Report to EFC on Meeting of Presidential Committee on Athletics April 7, 2022
The PCA Meeting was convened by Chair Zaharis at 4:00 p.m.
After approving the Minutes of the March 1st PCA meeting, new Women’s Wrestling Coach, Clarissa Chung, was introduced. In her competitive days, Chung was an international star in women’s free- style wrestling. Chung reported to the PCA on her progress in creating at Iowa the first women’s wrestling program at a Power Five university. She extolled the support she has received all across the university and announced that she has already signed 8 women to athletic scholarships for next year. The Iowa program will officially start intercollegiate competition in the 2023-2024 season, but Iowa women will start wrestling unattached in various competitions during the 2022-2023 season.
Barbara Burke then presented a brief slide show on the HERkys program within the Athletics Department. HERkys mission is to highlight the accomplishments and stories of Iowa’s women athletes. Special plans are underway to celebrate the 50th year of Title 9 this year and 50 years of women’s athletics at Iowa in 2023. A Hawk Walk is scheduled for Cretzmeyer Track on May 7, 2022.
Next, Jennifer Modesto presented a detailed Power Point report on Athletic Department searches and hiring for 2019 to 2021. She particularly emphasized Best Practices developed for such searches and the Department’s efforts to identify diverse candidates.
The Chairs of the three standing PCA Subcommittees each reported on their recent meetings. Academic Achievement had two meetings with personnel from university offices that specialize in assisting “at risk” students. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion met to review results of surveys of student athletes on their relative personal comfort within the Department and the University. Student Athlete Well-Being met to consider the implications of new NIL policies on Iowa student athletes.
Athletic Director Gary Barta reported on activities within the NCAA. He reported that there was a lot going on behind the scene in different committees, but that nothing much will be decided before the August meeting of the NCAA. At this meeting various proposals to restructure the NCAA will be considered. Barta thought it was too early to predict how this matter would turn out.
In his separate report as Iowa Athletic Director, Barta outlined plans for future improvements in Iowa’s athletic facilities. He explained the Department’s policy of matching ideas with resources and not beginning a project until the requisite funds are in hand. Projects for which feasibility studies are planned include needed upgrades to the Hawkeyes’ baseball, softball, field hockey fields and the outdoor track and field facilities.
Barta also commented on the high level of success Iowa athletics has recorded over the past two years. Iowa won 11 different Big Ten Championships over that period, the most ever for Iowa Athletics. He stated that he believed that Iowa’s overall athletic profile had never been more respected nationally than it is at the moment.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
Reported by N. William Hines, Professor and Dean Emeritus
Report to the EFC on Meeting of Presidential Committee on Athletics March 1, 2022
The PCA Meeting was convened by Chari Zaharis at 4:02 p.m.
After approving the Minutes of the February 1 PCA meeting, Chair Zaharis introduced Head Women’s Rowing Coach Jeff Garbett. Garbett described for the Committee his background in rowing and his delight at the opportunity to coach Iowa’s women’s rowing teams. He went into detail on the philosophy of Iowa’s rowing program, recruiting strategies, and changes he has observed with Iowa student athletes since he began leading the program.
Next, Lila Clerry reported to the PCA on her work as Iowa’s Athletics Compliance Officer. She provided a Power Point showing the reporting lines and details of her responsibilities to assure Iowa’s compliance with Big Ten and NCAA rules and regulations.
Chair Zaharis then gave a brief Chair’s Report and introduced Lew Montgomery as the Interim Associate Athletics Director for DEI. There are two ongoing searches for an Associate Women’s Wrestling Coach and an Assistant Track and Field Coach.
Next up were reports from the PCA’s three standing Subcommittees. Academic Achievement had not met since the last PCA meeting so no report was given. Diversity Equity and Inclusion reported it was working on the annual interviews with head coaches about DEI issues. Student Athlete Well-Being had met with the University Register at its last meeting to learn more about how student athlete eligibility is tracked and the transfer process.
A.D. Barta reported on the Big Ten Joint Council meetings that made decisions on the sites of future football playoffs and the men’s and women’s basketball tournaments. At the NCAA, subcommittees were meeting on topics including the use of standardized testing, drug testing levels, and possible transformation of the NCAA into a different type of supervisory organization. Barta also reported on the overall success of Iowa athletic teams over the past two years. So far nine Big Ten championships had been won.
Finally, Barta introduced Lew Montgomery who addressed the PCA on his new responsibilities as Interim Associate Athletic Director for DEI.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:13 p.m.
Reported by N. William Hines, Professor and Dean Emeritus
EFC Elections for 2022-23
I’m happy to report that each of our nominees was elected for a three-year term, from their respective colleges, and with a unanimous vote in each case. I’ve listed the five new members, and have included the brief statement that each one provided for the election ballot.
Miriam Gilbert, Chair, Elections Committee
College of Business. Cathy Cole (for a first 3-year term).
Cathy Cole received her PHD in Marketing in December 1983 from the University of Wisconsin and began her career at the University of Iowa in the Fall of 1984. She was a Henry B. Tippie Research Fellow and Professor of Marketing from 2003 until her retirement in May of 2021. She continues her involvement at the University of Iowa by occasionally teaching a First Year Seminar and an International Marketing class. Additionally, she continues her research work with doctoral students and colleagues. She has served as Department Chair and on numerous marketing department, Tippie College of Business and University committees. Dr. Cole enjoys attending Iowa women’s sporting events, arts performances and is often seen walking with her husband in Hickory Hill, City Park or along the river.
College of Education. John Westefeld (for a first 3-year term).
John Westefeld, M.P.H., Ph.D. is a Board-Certified Psychologist and Professor Emeritus of Counseling Psychology at the university. He received his Masters in Public Health (1973) and PhD in Counseling Psychology (1978) from UNC---Chapel Hill. He retired from the university in 2016 and was then in private practice for three years. During his time at the University of Iowa John served on numerous committees, as well as in faculty governance. Throughout his career, the primary focus of John's research, teaching, and clinical work has been suicide and suicide prevention. He currently teaches courses in the Senior College on mental health, and frequently does presentations/training on suicide and suicide prevention for various groups. John is also a frequent guest lecturer to classes on the topic of suicide.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Mary Ann Rasmussen (for a first 3-year term).
Mary Ann Rasmussen (M.A.T. English, University of Chicago, 1979; Ph.D. American Studies, University of Iowa, 1991) is Associate Professor of Instruction Emerita in the Department of Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies (GWSS). Mary Ann served as Director of Honors for the Department of English from 1997 to 2009 and as the Director of Undergraduate Studies for GWSS from 2013-2020. In English she taught courses in research and writing, Asian American literature, and women’s writing. In GWSS she developed the department’s capstone Senior Research Seminar, launched an undergraduate digital magazine, and taught courses on gender and culture in the US. Her research interests focused on pedagogy, Girl Studies, and America in the Pacific War. Mary Ann served on the UI Council for the Status of Women and was a member of the Women’s Resource and Action Center Advisory Council. From 2018 until she retired in 2020, Mary Ann worked with other non-tenure track faculty members in CLAS on bringing forward issues important to them (job conditions and security, health benefits, participation in faculty governance) at campus events and on CLAS Faculty Assembly.
College of Medicine. Carol Scott-Conner (for a first 3-year term).
Carol Scott-Conner MD PhD MBA is Professor Emeritus of surgery. She came to the University of Iowa in 1995 as Professor and Head of the Department of Surgery, stepping down in 2004. She retired in 2015 but continues to teach first year medical students (Case-Based Learning), serve on the Institutional Review Board, and hold Narrative Medicine sessions for the surgical residents. She has taught four courses in the Senior College and been approved for a fifth (to be given in 2023), and been guest lecturer in another course. She has delivered two lectures in the Emeritus Faculty series. She remains active on the national level through her work advising NASA on health care issues for missions beyond low earth orbit, and is currently enrolled in a creative writing MFA program at Lenoir-Rhyne University. She enjoys biking, swimming, and watching the seasonal rhythm transform the Iowa landscape.
College of Pharmacy. Bernard Sorofman (for a first 3-year term).
Bernard Sorofman is Emeritus Professor of Health Services Research in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science at The University of Iowa College of Pharmacy where he served as a member of the faculty, Chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science and Executive Associate Dean. He was educated in Anthropology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and Pharmacy at the University of Oklahoma. He received his doctoral education in Social & Administrative Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota in 1984. Dr. Sorofman is a past-president of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science (APRS) and a former member of the Board of Trustees of the American Pharmacists Association, the Board of Directors of the Iowa Pharmacy Association Foundation and the Board of Directors of the Iowa Rural Health Association. He is currently vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of SafeNetRx, a non-profit that provides medications to medically underserved Iowans. Since his unemployment status became a reality in December 2017 he continues to be involved in research with international colleagues and enjoys wandering hiking trails around the world, just returning from a month of such activity in Dartmoor National Park England and the Coast of Wales.
I. Call to Order
II. Approvals
- Meeting Agenda APPROVED
- Faculty Council Minutes (March 8, 2022) APPROVED
- Draft Faculty Senate Agenda (April 26, 2022) APPROVED
- Faculty Senate and Council Election Results (Teresa Marshall) APPROVED
- 2022-23 Committee Recommendations (Ana Rodríguez- Rodríguez) APPROVED
III. New Business
- Instructional Faculty Track Review Committee Report (Caroline Sheerin and Anne Stapleton, Co-chairs) INTERIM report presented (9 committee members from various faculty tracks and colleges).
Committee Charge:
- Effect of this policy on the # tenure track, tenured, clinical and adjunct faculty relative to instructional track faculty (ITF) at the University and individual colleges
- Effect of this policy on the composition of Faculty Senate (FS), FS committees and Univ committees
- ITF dispute procedures in III-10.11h
Methodology: ITF survey (61% response rate); interviewed deans; review of peer institutions; review of Univ data
Dispute resolution procedures: grievance procedures are the MOST important protection, especially for adjuncts
(!); grievance procedures are very disproportionate against the ITF; 4 key issues arose:
- Lack of notice for reappointment (83% ITF disagree with this policy)
- Review process (administrative review procedures do not involve ITF in decision-making process)
- Timing of review (unequal time for initiating review by grievants (10 days) and Univ response (15 days)
- Composition of committee Recommendations:
- notice (3 months probationary; 6 months for all other ITF)
- review process
- timing of review (20 days for each)
- committee composition
Committee representation: only 18.6% ITF find current 10% cap on committee representation appropriate; number of tenure track faculty (TTF) in FS and on FS committees relatively stable between 2016-2022; ITF underrepresented in FS; change in Charter/Univ committees (2016-2022) – TTF (88/74); ITF (2/13)
- improve representation in FS – eliminate the 10% cap or revise policy to reflect the ITF population in colleges
- strengthen language integrating ITF in Univ mission more fully
Titles/ranks findings: current titles not congruent with other tracks; clarity desired to distinguish POI/POP; “beyond teaching” reference is unclear
- Change Lecturer title to Asst Prof of Instruction (POI)/Practice (POP)
- Clarify the distinction between POI and POP
- Define “beyond teaching”
Length of term findings: ITF want more stability congruent with/reflective of their appointment level; disagreement that length of terms is appropriate (30+% disagree)
Recommendations: Assistant, 3 yr; Associate, 5 yr; Professor, 5-7 yr
Roles findings: ITF contributions enhance programs and complement other tracks; how teaching mission is fulfilled varies widely across colleges; frustration from seeking to reconcile policy and job responsibilities (teaching, service, professional productivity)
- change language of the preamble to reflect the valuable contributions of ITF;
- revise wording regarding “definition” and “role” to avoid confusion about service expectations;
- eliminate or revise wording that currently causes confusion with respect to research expectations
Review and promotion: urge colleges and departments to review their own policies and procedures for promotions. Morale is LOW!!! Survey responses – ITFs treated as “less-thans”
- Consider establishing an advisory board, a standing or ad hoc FS committee, OR a separate body of governance for ITF and other non-tenure track faculty in order to provide a forum to air concerns
- Investing in ITF careers will:
- ENSURE committed faculty
- BUILD a stronger institution
- RAISE the quality of teaching at UI - LEAD other institutions
- Government Relations Committee (Rick Dobyns)
Committee will interview 7 candidates running for Iowa City area offices (2 House districts; 1 Senate district) – Mon Apr 18, 6:30 pm IMU Ballroom - Senate Officer Election Resolution (Ana Rodríguez-Rodríguez)
2022 elections will be conducted online (not in person; same procedure as the past 2 years) - President’s Report (Teresa Marshall)
Academic freedom – assured by President, Provost and General Counsel that faculty academic freedom will be protected, but there’s a “line” that faculty should not cross (???) – dialogue must be ‘academically relevant’. If you are not certain, then go through the administrative chain. Council does not feel that this is sufficient. All Big10 institutions are struggling with this. Council will continue working with the administration on this to achieve a clearer policy.
IV. From the Floor
V. Announcements
- The next Faculty Senate meeting will be Tuesday, April 26, 3:30 – 5:15 pm, Zoom.
VI. Executive Session
Michael J. Brody Award recipients
- Adjournment
Submitted by Minnetta Gardinier, EFC
Page 2 of 2
- Call to Order
- Approvals
A. Meeting Agenda APPROVED
B. Faculty Senate Minutes (March 22, 2022) APPROVED
C. Faculty Senate and Council Election Results (Teresa Marshall) APPROVED
D. 2022-23 Committee Recommendations (Ana Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Chair, Comm on Comm) E. 2020-21 APPROVED
- Motion Summary (Ana Rodríguez-Rodríguez) APPROVED
- New Business
- Pentacrest Museums (Carolina Kaufman, Director, Education & Engagement, Pentacrest Museums)
- – Old Capitol Museum and Museum of Natural History
- Programs (e.g., My Collections, Tree Tours, Virtual Programming, Team Building Activities)
- Partnerships, Collaborations (e.g., LiveWell, UI REACH)
- Special Event Services (retirements, weddings, receptions)
- Services to students – dorm visits; student advisory board; student-led events (game nights, open
houses); student employment & internship opportunities
- Museums are classrooms (galleries, labs, collections)
- Object-based learning faculty services – museum as classroom, lab spaces, guided tours, object loans
- Providing visual thinking strategies – active learning, close looking & observation, inquiry, critical
thinking, interpretation & context, any discipline, experiential
- Instructional Faculty Track Review Comm. Interim Report (Caroline Sheerin & Anne Stapleton, Co-Chairs)
• See UI Faculty Council report (4/12/2022)
C. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Sparkshop: Survey (Anna Flaming, Director, Center for Teaching and Bria Marcelo, Director, Inclusive Education and Strategic Initiatives, Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
- What efforts/engagement have individuals made this past year? Grown in knowledge and comfort
level; been more proactive; gained new ideas; become more conscientious in teaching and
interactions w/students; more attention to a range of needs
- What would you like to learn about in the future? How to agree to disagree; classroom conflict
related to differences in identity; how to let people know it’s OK to express an opinion; managing microagressions; how to more effectively communicate with diverse populations of faculty and students
- From the Floor
- Announcements
A. Recognition of Positive Student Participation on Shared Governance Committees (Teresa Marshall)
- Michael J. Brody Awards for Faculty Excellence (Teresa Marshall)
- Benjamin Coelho (Music)
- Russ Ganim (French & Italian; International Programs)
- Katherine Imborek (Family Medicine)
- Closing Remarks of the 2021-22 Faculty Senate President Teresa Marshall
VI. Adjournment (followed by 2022-23 Organizational Meeting)
2022-23 Organizational Meeting Tuesday, April 26, 2022
- Call to Order
- Opening Remarks of the 2022-23 Faculty Senate President Ana Rodríguez-Rodríguez
- From the Floor
- Announcements
- Officer Election Results – joining President Rodriguez-Rodriguez • Vice President – Ed Gillan
• Secretary – Caroline Sheerin - 2022-23 Meeting Schedule
- Officer Election Results – joining President Rodriguez-Rodriguez • Vice President – Ed Gillan
- Adjournment
Submitted by Minnetta Gardinier, EFC
Page 2 of 2
Recreation Services Charter Meeting
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
- In attendance:
- Charter Committee Members – Chris Atchison, Kent Becker, Dan Caplan, Lindsay Dinkelman, Paul Hanley, Melinda Licht, Chris Odinet, Patrick Taylor
- Recreational Services Staff – Brian Baxter, Angela Charsha-Harney, Chris Conway, Emily Downes, David Francis, Michelle Harder, Shea McMurray, Luke Mozena, Dave Patton, Matt Schaefer, Tommy Schorer, Amy Smith, Chris Spencer, Shelley Squier, Danelle Stipes, Erin Sullivan, JT Timmons, Mallory Valentine, Mike Valentine
- Welcome: Michelle Harder, Senior Associate Director, Recreational Services
- DMX Music: Chris Conway, Maintenance Supervisor and Shelley Squier, Business Manager
- DMX is satellite radio that is used in the facilities (CRWC, FH and FE).
- The music is not being played very often in the facilities, but costs a lot of money.
- FY21 the total cost was $2,700.
- It is likely something that could be replaced with Spotify or something else for much cheaper.
- In 2010 we decided to put this in the facilities as the CRWC was being built.
- Is this something that is still important, or is it something that isn’t needed anymore due to people using earbuds, personal devices, etc.?
- Chris Conway – I think we still need a music option, but I think we can do some research and see what other options are.
- Brian Baxter – We have also had complaints of people saying the music is too loud in the facilities. We’ve also had the opposite.
- Paul Hanley – I think you do need some background music or sound to flatten out. some of the random sounds. You have to look for commercial licensing when you do this type of music; you can’t just pay a Spotify subscription and play the music.
- David Francis – I have been in a facility with no background music and you can hear everything from every floor. Sound carries throughout these facilities if there is no background music.
- Melinda Licht – I agree with Paul that it probably isn’t as cheap as someone might think due to licensing.
- NIRSA Conference Update: Luke Mozena, Facility Operations Coordinator and Erin Sullivan, Facility Operations Coordinator
- NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation
- Luke
- We were able to go to the NIRSA Conference in Portland, OR; first in-person NIRSA Conference in several years.
- I volunteered reviewing resumes with students helping provide feedback to them as they prepare to seek positions within the field.
- Coordinated to go to different sessions so we were casting a wide net.
- Got the most out of the session about connecting with Gen Z students.
- Erin
- There were six from our department that attended the conference; 3 from Facility Operations, 1 from Aquatics, 1 from Sport Programs and 1 from Fitness Staff.
- It was my first NIRSA Conference experience, so it was good.
- A very heavy focus at the conference regarding DEI initiatives.
- I volunteered at the Expo with vendors from across the country.
- External Review Updates: Mallory Valentine, Associate Director of Strategic Initiatives
- You may remember the External Review that we did last fall; invited directors from two different programs.
- We have now finalized an Action Plan for our department based on the feedback and recommendations we received from the reviewers.
- This document will be shared soon; I am happy to send the link when it gets posted on the website.
- The DSL also did a self-assessment related to graduate and professional students and their experiences on campus.
- Many of the recommendations provided for Recreational Services were also captured in the External Review, so we are blending both.
- Summer 2022 Facility Hours: Michelle Harder
- See supplemental document attached.
- Patrick Taylor – Is it possible to send a mass email to everyone with the facility hours once they’re determined?
- Mallory – We are planning on sending communication including hours to members.
- JT/Michelle – A mass email with that information probably wouldn’t be approved.
- New Natatorium Scoreboard: Emily Downes, Associate Director of Aquatics
- We have been approved for replacement of the scoreboard in the Natatorium and it will be a shared cost with Athletics.
- Slated to begin in June; we do not anticipate any pool closures at that time.
- New Business:
- Mallory Valentine
- We have a Student Leadership Committee that is comprised of leaders from different areas within our department. This committee works on a project proposal each year for the department to consider. Most visible recent project is the Recreational Services app.
- This year’s committee is working on a proposal for an outdoor recreation area at the Lagoon Shelter House by the Iowa River.
- Mallory Valentine
- Questions:
- For next year, would Zoom meetings be preferred or in-person meetings?
- Most respond that either is good. One person prefers a Zoom option, although most agreed that an in-person once in a while would be okay.
- For next year, would Zoom meetings be preferred or in-person meetings?
- Wrap Up: Michelle Harder
- This is the last meeting of the year for the committee. I want to thank you all for being a part of this committee this past year.
April 4, 2022 Minutes
Emeritus Faculty Minutes
April 4th, 2022
Meeting held via Zoom
Call to Order: 9:30 by Mitros
Members Attending: Charlie Anderson, Christopher Atchison, Constance Berman, Deborah Cobb, Larry Fleckenstein, Minnetta Gardinier, Miriam Gilbert, Nancy Hauserman, Bill Hines, Russell Lenth, Frank Mitros, Jacob Odgaard, Siroos Shirazi, Jill Valde, Stephen Vlastos, Carolyn Wanat, Sam Cochran
Members Absent: None absent
Approval of March Minutes: Submitted by Chris Atchison, Adopted Unanimously
New Emeriti:
Name College Retirement Date
Greg Skopec CCOM 3/31/2022
Mark Reagan CLAS 6/30/2022
Robert Ketterer CLAS 6/30/2022
Frederick Domann CMED 6/29/2022
Deceased College Date of Death
Charles Klasson CBUS 12/26/2021
Paul Diehl CLAS 3/17/2022
Moment of Silence
Old Business:
Mitros stated that the use a PDF format for reporting Committee and Council reports on our Website has been discussed and seems like a good way of gathering reports and asked that EFC members file those reports with either him or the Secretary.
Mitros noted that EFC members agreed at the March meeting that after Mitros (currently a Senior College Committee member) finishes his EFC term that we will continue by having a liaison to the EFC from the Senior College. The Senior College will discuss this at their April 11th meeting. This would allow continuity; if a position on the Senior College opens in the future, we might return to having an individual simultaneously a member of both committees.
Reports from EFC Committees:
Elections: Gilbert (Chair), Mitros, Hauserman – Gilbert said 5 slots are open: Business, CLAS, Pharmacy, Education, and Medicine. The Elections Committee has identified candidates for each slot and are developing bio’s. She noted, per earlier Council discussions, one of the candidates will be an emeritus adjunct and lecturer. She is now working with Office of the Provost to finalize the process.
Program Committee: Anderson, Fleckenstein, Vlastos, Wanat – Anderson: There is a guest speaker, Nicholas Butler, for May, our last monthly meeting of the year.
Lecture Series: Gardinier (Chair), Gilbert, Mitros (consultant) – Gardinier announced the next program:
- April 21, 4:00 p.m. Empowering a Victim of Domestic Violence to Terminate a Lease - Shelly Kurtz, David H. Vernon Professor Emeritus, College of Law Zoom and in person at the Kollros Auditorium (101 Biology Building East)
It was also announced that Jerald Schnoor will lead off the Fall program.
Communications/Website: Fleckenstein, Lenth – Website is up to date, asked for feedback from members with additional ideas.
Report from Liaisons with University Committees/Organizations:
Campus Planning: Anderson: Anderson, Committee met last week about movement of residents from the Pentacrest. Report Pending
FRIC: Shirazi, Valde – Valde, Report Attached
UIRA: Mitros –Sam Cochran announced the following programs:
- April 14, 11:00 a.m., via Zoom Alta Medea, Director of Community Engagement for the Domestic Violence Intervention Program.
- May 11th, 3:00 p.m. via Zoom, Mayor Meghann Foster, Coralville.
- May 16th, 10:00 a.m.-noon, Cangleska Wakan Ephemeral Forest Hike, 4045 245th St. NE, Solon, IA 52333
- June 2nd - Kayaking at Kent Park Lake Tuesday, , 10:00 a.m.-noon,
- Annual meeting 11:00 on June 16th.
- Wyatt also announced that this year’s UIRA scholarship fund will offer two $2,200 scholarships contributed to by 22 individuals.
Research Council: Berman – Report Attached. Berman announced VPR faculty interviews now in process.
Library: Hauserman, Lenth – The Committee hasn’t met but it was noted that an e-mail survey has been distributed regarding reduction in on – line subscriptions.
Faculty Senate/Council: Gardinier, Vlastos – March 8th Council Report Attached. March 22nd faculty Report Attached.
Hancher: Valde, Shirazi – Report Attached
Recreation Services: Atchison – No report due to no meeting in March.
Senior College: Mitros - 6 courses complete, 7 – 10 upcoming. Very positive reaction to Zoom format. 10 courses also planned for the Fall. Report attached
Parking and Transportation: Mitros, Odgaard – March 29th meeting highlighted Automated Driving Simulator and potential implications to driving regulations including potential changes in requirements for both young and old. Also highlighted technology issues such as accuracy of technology in rural areas. Report Attached
President’s Committee on Athletics: Hines – PCA meeting April 7th. Minutes to be filed
New Business:
Mitros stated that the University system is now scheduling appointments for the second booster shot and encouraged everyone to take part.
Mitros put in the record that most of the EFC were in favor of a hybrid meeting without luncheon, although there were strong advocates at both ends of the spectrum (Zoom only, Hybrid with luncheon). Although the incidence of new cases remains low and the second booster is now available there are some disturbing reports about a possible increase in cases due to the BA.2 variant. It seems most prudent to remain with the hybrid (no luncheon) decision.
Mitros said that in preparation for President Wilson’s address at the Annual May meeting he will send her a reminder letter on behalf of the EFC with information about our group and asked for input into content.
Gilbert suggested the impact of Emeritus Faculty is significant and should be considered a resource for the University. She pointed out that we have a long history with the University and often provide historical information and advice to their Departments. In many ways we help represent the University to the public, citing the Senior College as an example of this.
She also asked that we ask the President to discuss the new structure for Hancher’s administration.
Mitros will circulate a draft of the letter in the next week.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:38
April 4, 2022 Committee reports
EFC Committee Liaison Reports
For March, 2022
Campus Planning Committee
Meeting Notes
Meeting Date: March 29, 2022
Members Present: Sam Avery, Brian Baxter, Robert Bork, Rick Fosse, David Hensley,
Craig Just, Lauren Lessing
Others: Charlie Anderson, Joe Bilotta, Rodney Lehnertz, Debby Zumbach
Lauren Lessing presented a proposal for the installation of banners advertising the inaugural
exhibition of the Stanley Museum of Art, entitled “Homecoming”, to be placed along Madison
Street, around the Pentacrest, and select locations downtown.
The initial banner request has been vetted by the Office of Strategic Communications for
consistency of branding and content. At this point, the proposed banners are text-based
dispersed with images of art pieces and the “block IOWA”, as well as the logo of the foundation
that is funding the exhibition.
On the south side of the building along Burlington Street there is space for two removable
aluminum signs advertising the inaugural exhibition. These could be easily changed to reflect
future exhibitions, as well as replaced or touched up due to wear or graffiti.
Discussion included how this section of the wall was chosen, how these signs would be affixed
to the wall, potential damage to the concrete wall, if the signs could be removed and stored
leaving the wall blank if necessary, and the potential for shared promotion of a variety of
campus activities.
Though banner requests are initially made through the Office of Strategic Communications,
future signage will be brought back to committee for input from members.
Following-up on the conversations from our January meeting on the UI Master Planning
approach, a more specific plan on sequencing of space moves and modifications that will be
occurring in the near future was presented.
Relative to the College of Liberal Arts, specifically the performing and visual arts, we have been
working on the long-range plans relative to production and shareability of spaces with each unit
integrating their performance plan and practice space to become a more comprehensive
system. The current priority will be the renovation of the Old Museum of Art for the dance program, vacating Halsey Hall. Razing Halsey Hall would leave the space open for a parking facility across from the IMU, which is a priority for Parking and Transportation.
Phased modernization for the Iowa Memorial Union is underway. This modernization will affect
the Student Health and Wellness, which is being envisioned moving to IMU.
The Tippie College of Business expansion hopes were shared, potentially incorporating two UI-owned properties on Clinton Street.
Pentacrest modernization with MacLean being funded with state appropriations in 2023,
followed then by Jessup and Macbride.
The series of space moves and renovations underway to support the Pentacrest plan will begin
with the relocation of the Graduate College to the Art Building, along with the School of Planning
and Public Affairs and the Center for the Book. There will also be space created to
accommodate classroom, meeting and event space.
The Office of the Registrar, Admissions, Office of Institutional Effectiveness will relocate to the
University Capitol Centre creating student centric and “transactional” support space.
Hardin Library renovations will include moving Environmental Health Safety in the lower level,
and a second phase finishing the 2nd and 3rd floors to accommodate the VP for Research
programs that support the health sciences, such as Sponsored Programs and the Research
With the construction of the new facility for the Non-Fiction Writing Program, space freed up in
the English-Philosophy Building will be earmarked for Religious Studies. This will open Gilmore
Hall that be renovated for the UI Administration formerly located in Jessup Hall.
With Administration moved to Gilmore Hall, Jessup will be open to strictly academic functions
such as Math and Computer Science.
This portion of the plan is intended to occur in the next 30-36 months, leaving MacLean open
and prepared for modernization.
With work also at UIHC, there was discussion about supply and demand of labor and materials,
as well as changes to the phasing of projects due to availability of funding, such as State
Appropriations vs. philanthropic.
The next wave would be to occupy MacLean with Computer Science and Statistics. With space
open in Shaeffer Hall, the relocation of CLAS IT and UI Strategic Communication would be
brough back on to campus, thus releasing various leases.
Next would be to relocate the remaining Jessup Hall groups, though keeping them on the
Pentacrest. This would ready Jessup for its modernization; and eventually, the renovation of
Macbride and the sale of the Jefferson Building. Along the way, there will still be opportunity for modernization of UCC, Library, Calvin Hall.
The City of Iowa City wants to reconstruct the Burlington to Melrose roads and bridge in 2025-
26. Starting this Spring, the UI, in coordination with the City of Iowa City, will begin studying and
programming the whole corridor in that area in preparation for design. This will provide an
opportunity to dramatically reimagine the bridges, roads, etc.
Discussion included accommodating bike traffic and the reconstruction of the tunnel system
and infrastructure in that area.
A new academic building will be built where the parking lot is on Melrose next to the
athletes’ study building. That building will house the Department of Communication
Sciences and Disorders (replacing the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center), the
Department of Health and Human Physiology and the Physical Therapy Program.
FACULTY COUNCIL Tue 8 March 2022
I. Call to Order
II. Approvals
1. Meeting Agenda – approved
2. Faculty Council Minutes (January 25, 2022) – approved
3. Draft Faculty Senate Agenda (March 22, 2022) – approved
4. Committee Appointments – none
III. New Business
1. Proposed Changes to University Libraries Charter Committee Charge (Loren Glass, Chair,
University Libraries Charter Committee)
Difficult to change the charge of a Standing Committee – this started 3-4 years ago.
Based on input from the Library, the charter needed to be updated. Mainly tried to
change the composition of the committee – reduce 4 students to 2 (one each undergrad
and grad) and increase faculty representation for better collegiate balance (3 CLAS, 2
health science, 2 rotating); decided with input for Culshaw (Library). APPROVED
2. Academic Freedom Discussion (Teresa Marshall)
Following BOR academic freedom policy statement, increased discussion across campus.
Faculty at UI are guaranteed freedom of speech, and Council believes that the University
values faculty engagement in discussions of complex, controversial subjects and the
importance of this dialogue in teaching critical thinking to our students.
Yockey: BOR policy tracks closely to AAUP policy and UI academic freedom principles.
Law school faculty felt the training was accurate. Useful links:
Open discussion: Unclear whether administration is still supportive of faculty “freedom”
to criticize state officials. Freedom of speech vs. freedom of expression. Uncertainty of
where the Univ stands with regard to teaching/discussing “critical race theory.” Some
items seem to be a ‘moving target’ and/or off limits for K-12 but OK for higher ed.
Concerns that the laws seem to be intentionally unclear and murky – creates a chilling
effect among faculty uncertain how to navigate these waters. Example – one faculty
framed an assignment on CRT, and a student questioned whether this was OK. In the
context of an assignment, it’s OK.
IV. Operations Manual Updates (Doris Witt, Chair, Faculty Policies and Compensation Committee)
Faculty tracks (III.10) and dispute procedures (III.29): major overhaul of both policies presented to
Offices of the Provost and General Counsel. Negotiations in Fall 2021 and now on pause – awaiting
guidance from President’s office on rationale for changes.
Acceptable use of Information Technology Resources (II.19) – policy defines institutional and external
standards governing individual users. Electronically stored information (ESI) being destroyed, which is
problematic, and litigation has increased. Academic freedom not sufficiently protected and institutional
higher ed is different from other work entities. New revised language has been agreed to –
authorization/delegation (president and provost must be consulted); threshold/constraint (principles of
academic freedom taken into account); scope; documentation
Human Rights (II.3) and Nondiscrimination (II.6) – review resulted in increased emphasis on antiharassment,
anti-retaliation, etc. One concern is that Univ members have a disincentive for brining false
statements, but non-members have no disincentive.
Question: From healthcare side, prior policy is that patients cannot discriminate on who provides their
care. With these new policies, how is this affected? Hospital can still protect provider from identitybased
harassment (e.g., gender/race bias).
1. Topics for 2022-23 (Ana Rodríguez-Rodríguez)
Looking to move beyond COVID. Ana R-R will be new President in 2022-23. Ideas?
• How to continue with Zoom?
• How does ‘work’ and campus look different / continue?
• How do relationships in departments look?
• Broken trust and broken relationships – how to rebuild/repair that (especially upper
• Over-arching question – how are we doing (on all fronts – home, work, classroom)? How
do we improve morale?
2. President’s Report (Teresa Marshall)
• Ombudsperson would like to work with any interested faculty for training as a future
ombudsperson (Apr 4-6, virtual)
• Current searches include VP for Medical Affairs and VP for General Counsel & Legal
Affairs (concern that no lawyer was included, but has now been added)
• Joe Yockey has been honored with an appointment as a named chair in College of Law
I. From the Floor
II. Announcements
• Next Faculty Senate meeting: Tuesday, March 22, 3:30 – 5:15 pm, Zoom
• Next Faculty Council meeting: Tuesday, April 12, 3:30-5:15 pm, Zoom
III. Adjournment
Submitted by Minnetta Gardinier, EFC
Faculty Senate Meeting 3/22/2022
1. Report by Stratis Giannakouros, Office of Sustainability & Environment, on
benchmarks set for 2030, which have been approved by President Wilson: 50%
reduction of greenhouse gases; 100% enrollment of UI undergraduates in an
environment/sustainability course; reduction to 0% discharge of wastewater into
Iowa River; improve water quality through storm system management. Office has
had productive discussions with UIHC, which is responsible for 50% of waste and
carbon footprint. Reported Office is receiving good support from other units,
including Athletics. Cited conversion of 17 acres of cross-country course to prairie
recovery as an example.
2. Report from Gary Barta, Director of Athletics. Athletic Department, which was
granted a $50 million loan by the university to cover Covid-incurred losses that
would be repaid with interest over 10-15 year period. I could help thinking how this
reflects the priorities of the Regents and wishing CLAS and other colleges with little
or no capacity to generate outside income, were treated as generously. He
reported AD meets or exceeds 15% for staff diversity. While CLAS is losing faculty in
droves, hiring is proceeding apace in Athletics, e.g., increased from 1 to 5 FTE
mental health counsellors, ‘several’ consultants have been hired to help student
athletes gain income from NIL (name, image, likeless), which NCAA now permits.
3. Steve Fleagle, Associate V-P & Chief Information Officer, reported on cyber threats,
with hundreds of attacks occurring every minute. Most neutralized by software
defenses, but several hundred a day require individual attention from security staff.
Ransomware is growing rapidly: 350% increase nationally since 2018 and at least
$45 billion paid out. Worse, clean-up cost average 10x ransom.
4. Library Committee will add a faculty member and reduce from 4 to 2 student
representatives, as students have been “inactive” for a number of years.
FRIC Committee Meeting
April 1, 2022
1. The Annual University of Iowa Specialty Prescription presentation was provided as well as
national pharmacy trends.
2. Updates were shared and discussions held on the feasibility of a Pharmacy Benefit Manager and
Flexible Spending Account vendors.
3. Lengthy discussions continued on the review and design of the Health Benefit Insurance Plans,
including co-pays, out of pocket expenses, and overall costs to beneficiaries and the institution.
Jill Valde
Hancher Committee meeting, March 30, 2022
Chuck Swanson thanked the committee members, and announced his last day will be July 8th. Interviews
are currently underway.
Future of the Hancher Committee was discussed with an ongoing emphasis on marketing and
advocating throughout the community and broader.
Jill Valde
Parking and transportation committee meeting
March 29, 2022
The meeting was entirely a presentation by Dan McGehee who is the Director of the National Advanced
Driving Simulator (NADS) here at the University of Iowa. The funding for NADS comes from a variety of
sources, including public and private sources. The major research deals with examining the interface
between humans and vehicles. He pointed out that a wide range of humans must be accounted for. For
example, 14-year-olds can drive in Iowa. At the other end of the spectrum there are 30 individuals over
the age of 100 years still driving. In recent years research has shifted from primarily simulator use to
working on “on road” problems. That now counts for 70% of NADS research. Much of the previous
research dealt with driver reactions to conditions such as the influence of alcohol or cannabis. Drowsy
driving has also been studied.
A major current area of interest deals with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Historically the
first assistance device was automatic transmission introduced in 1942. The next was cruise control in
1958. Currently many cars, especially Tesla and Subaru, have such devices as blind spot detection,
emergency braking, pedestrian detection, collision avoidance, lane departure warning, parking
assistance and automated cruise control. Current studies are geared towards seeing how a variety of
individuals adapt to these devices. He thinks that the capabilities of such systems tend to be oversold in
the media.
Research – Report from the VPR
If you are available, please consider joining us for the open forums for two part-time Associate
Vice President for Research positions, starting March 29. Registration details, dates and times
are here:
research Our office has also created a web page of available opportunities to support
Ukrainian researchers and scholars.
and-scholars. Please feel free to share it with colleagues who may be interested.
Senior College
The first six courses of the Spring semester have finished and courses 7 and 8 are underway. Course 9,
concerning the Vietnam War is about to begin. Our final course, number 10, dealing with Shakespeare's
Henry the Vth, presented by Miriam Gilbert, starts tomorrow. Attendance for the semester has been
very good with approximately 800 registered with the students from all parts of Iowa as well as 16 states
outside of Iowa. The use of Zoom continues to be met very positively by our students with many asking
that future courses be done using Zoom since this removes barriers such as travel, parking, and mobility
issues. The use of Zoom allows for better visualization of the images presented by the instructor than
can be attained from some areas of our classrooms. It also is helpful for those with some degree of
hearing impairment. The use of Zoom (alone or in a hybrid fashion) is anticipated to continue for almost all future courses. There is a full slate of ten courses set for this Fall semester. This includes courses dealing with such topics as mental health, cardiology for older adults, politics, and elections (given by
Ben Kiefer) and one dealing with the author Sinclair Lewis. A few courses, such as one dealing with
musical theater, have been held live at the Coralville Center for the Performing Arts. The large size of
this venue allows for good separation of audience members.
March 7, 2022 Minutes
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
March 7, 2022
Meeting held via Zoom
Call to Order: 9:30 by Mitros
Members Attending: Charlie Anderson, Christopher Atchison, Constance Berman, Deborah Cobb, Larry Fleckenstein, Minnetta Gardinier, Miriam Gilbert, Bill Hines, Russell Lenth, Frank Mitros, Stephen Vlastos, Carolyn Wanat, Sam Cochran
Members Absent: Siroos Shirazi, Jacob Odgaard, Nancy Hauserman, Jill Valde
Also Present: Lois Cox
Approval of February Minutes: Submitted by Chris Atchison, approved without debate
New Emeriti:
Name College Retirement Date
Gustavo Avila Ortiz Cden 6/30/2022
Satheesh Elangovan Cden 10/2/2022
Georgia Johnson Cden 6/29/2022
Jay Holstein CLAS 6/30/2022
Name College Date of Death
Thomas O'Dorisio CMED 2/2/2022
Duane Thompson CBUS 1/1/2022
Mildred Lavin CEDU 2/12/2022
Dr. Jun Kimura COM 3/6/2022
Moment of Silence
Report on EFC committee assignments:
- Elections: Gilbert (Chair), Mitros, Hauserman – Miriam raised question about establishing a regular Council position for emeritus lecturers. It might give more representation to this increasing component of the faculty. Bill Hines noted that adjunct also fits in this category. General discussion reflected how to best ensure a full range of emeritus needs on the Council. Gilbert responded the Committee would increase focus on finding lecturer and adjunct faculty as candidates for the Council.
- Program: Anderson, Fleckenstein, Vlastos, Wanat – Anderson is exploring Lehnertz and asked assistance in reaching out to him. Anderson and Wanat encouraged presentation on solar energy. Jerald Schnoor was recommended for a lecture series role on climate change.
- Lecture Series: Gardinier (Chair), Gilbert, Mitros (Consultant) Kim Mara March 24th. Historian looking at theatre arts - Centennial Tensions is the working title. Sheldon Kurtz on Homelessness in April. Presentations will continue to be in Hybrid form.
- Communications/Website: Fleckenstein, Lenth – Website has been updated
Report on Liaisons with University committees/organizations:
- Campus Planning: Anderson – Long term plans to remove field house and new construction to be developed for dislocated programs near the athletic education center.
- FRIC: Shirazi, Valde – No additional report
- UIRA: Wanat, Cochran, Mitros – Cochran is continuing as UIRA program committee. Scheduling events for Thursdays. June annual meeting. Now preparing for elections and award for University and Community service.
- Research Council: Berman – No report
- Library: Hauserman, Lenth – No report
- Faculty Senate/Council: Gardinier, Vlastos – Vlastos reported on the Faculty Senate discussions led by: 1) Barry Schreier from University Counseling on faculty burnout and low morale. 2) Gerard Clancy on crisis affecting nursing and clinical faculty in the unrelenting demand for care of Covid patients.
- Hancher: Valde, Shirazi – No report
- Recreation Services: Atchison – no report
- Senior College: Mitros – Fall schedule is set, will continue with hybrid presentations.
Parking and Transportation: Mitros, Odgaard – There were 1049 appeals of tickets of which 765 were upheld. The most problematic area were employees parking in hospital ramps during weekday hours before 5 PM. Charging stations for electric vehicles are present in three ramps (Hospital Ramp 3, Newton Road, and North Campus).
- President’s Committee on Athletics: Hines – Minutes TBA
New business:
Mitros and Atchison outlined the process for how minutes from committee and liaisons are collected and placed on the website.
With regards to our relationship with the Senior College, Mitros proposed that we have a representative from the Senior College attend our meetings on a regular basis (not necessarily monthly). That representative would likely be one of the Emeriti who are currently members of the Senior College Committee and who were previously members of the EFC. There was general agreement and Mitros will put the proposal before the Senior College Committee at its next meeting.
The speaker for our May EFC meeting will be Dr. Nicholas Butler, from the College of Medicine. President Wilson has agreed to speak to the Association of Emeritus Faculty at our May AEF meeting. Mitros asked for assistance in arranging a speaker for the April EFC meeting.
Mitros asked opinions on holding an in-person annual meeting with box lunch. The UIRA will be having their Annual Meeting by Zoom rather than having an in person. Shall we do the AEF meeting Zoom only or hybrid?
Mitros will send out an e-mail to members for their opinions on meeting formats.
Guest Speaker: Lois Cox, Clinical Professor of Law Emerita.
Cox addressed the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution, academic freedom and campus free speech issues. She highlighted several episodes of concern in the last several years. She described an ongoing case in Florida where faculty were providing expertise on voting rights. The University of Iowa has a policy in the operations manual which guides how faculty can participate in policy questions. For many years practice was that Universities would routinely give permission for faculty to offer expertise. More recently, Florida applied an “importance” standard and possible adverse reaction to faculty speech by the state legislature. This is the focus of the on-going litigation.
Berman noted that the University is discussing revision of the Operations Manual on conflict of interest. Cox responded that this kind of review is standard but the University has not gone as far as Florida on “permission”. Berman said Iowa has had a lot of focus on student reaction to free speech standards and the associated response of the state legislature to these concerns. Cox responded that this is a “great point” but there is no clear solution. She observed that the need is for “more speech” rather than restricted speech.
Additional materials describing the areas of focus are attached to the minutes.
Meeting adjourned at 11:01
February 7, 2022 Minutes
Emeritus Faculty Council Minutes
February 7, 2022
Meeting held via Zoom
Call to Order: 9:33 A.M. by Mitros
Members Attending: Charlie Anderson, Christopher Atchison, Constance Berman, Deborah Cobb, Minnetta Gardinier, Miriam Gilbert, Bill Hines, Russell Lenth, Frank Mitros, Jacob Odgaard, Siroos Shirazi, Jill Valde, Stephen Vlastos, Carolyn Wanat, Sam Cochran
Members Absent: Larry Fleckenstein, Nancy Hauserman
Also Present: Allison Bruhn, Daniel Clay
Approval of December Minutes: Submitted by Chris Atchison
Approved unanimously
Announcement: Alaina Hanson, who was the interim replacement for Debbie Millsap as our contact person in the Provost’s Office, has now given way to the new permanent contact person, Ann Howard - (
New Emeriti:
Name |
College |
Retirement Date |
Daniel Anderson |
6/30/2022 |
David Soll |
12/31/2021 |
Jack Scudder |
12/31/2021 |
James Folk |
6/30/2022 |
Robert From |
1/3/2022 |
Eva Tsalikian |
1/3/2022 |
David Wilder |
Engineering |
5/13/2022 |
Warren Schmidt |
Medicine |
11/24/2021 |
Rodney Zeitler |
Medicine |
6/2/2022 |
Lee-Ann Allen |
Medicine |
7/31/2021 |
Frederick Quelle |
Medicine |
5/31/2022 |
James Bates |
Medicine |
11/30/2021 |
Robert Cornell |
Medicine |
12/31/2021 |
Leslie Bruch |
Medicine |
2/2/2022 |
R William Field |
Public Health |
1/4/2022 |
Jennifer Robinson |
Public Health |
1/3/2022 |
Remembrances: | ||
Deceased |
College |
Date of Death |
Tuong Ton-That |
1/3/2022 |
Miriam Gelfand |
1/3/2022 |
Christine Grant |
12/31/2021 |
Donald Gurnett |
1/13/2022 |
11/17/2021 |
Erwin Kleinfeld |
1/14/2022 |
George (Bill) Walker |
12/1/2021 |
Charles Hindes |
11/22/2021 |
Carl Klaus |
2/1/2022 |
Jerry Walker |
Dentistry |
12/30/2021 |
Robert Weir |
Medical Ethics |
12/20/2021 |
Nelson Gurll |
Medicine |
12/29/2021 |
James Flanagan |
Medicine |
11/30/2021 |
Phillip Schmid |
Medicine |
12/14/2021 |
Toni Tripp-Reimer |
Nursing |
12/13/2021 |
Moment of Silence |
Guest Speakers: Carolyn Wanat introduced Daniel L. Clay, PhD, Professor and Dean, College of Education and Allison Bruhn, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Special Education presented on The Center for School Mental Health in the College of Education. Dean Clay described mental health as a leading issue in Iowa schools and addressing this need is a priority for the College. $20 million from the State Department of Education supporting the Center. Allison Bruhn is leading the Center as Executive Director. She noted the extensive impact of Covid on student health, both psychological as well as physical and the burden it has placed on teachers. This is causing educators and staff to burn out and/or leave the field.
The new Center has cross university engagement and is focused on addressing social, emotional, behavioral, and psychological needs in Iowa schools through professional development, coaching, and well-being. The Center hosted a summit last summer with over 1600 participants to share information and develop a strategy for priorities, research, and interventions. This includes offering a $20,000 grant to enable local engagement. More information at and or
Berman asked about engagement with OVPR. Dean Clay indicated this is being discussed and might be a source of resources in the future.
Gilbert asked about the process behind the offer of clinical supports and “how it works on the ground”. Bruhn described how they responded to the Fairfield Iowa case. Dean Clay emphasized that the needs are particularly great in rural areas. Intervention can be supported through telehealth resources.
Mitros asked about the spread of the program across the state. Dean Clay responded that the Summit was a source of much information on statewide need.
Hines asked what the annual budget might be. Dean Clay responded that they are developing a business model for long term need and are looking for both donation and revenue recovery for clinical services.
Report on EFC committee assignments:
- Elections: Gilbert (Chair), Mitros, Hauserman No report
- Program: Anderson, Fleckenstein, Vlastos, Wanat Working on arranging for Rod Lenertz as speaker
- Lecture Series: Gardinier (Chair), Gilbert, Mitros (Consultant) Gardinier announced the next Emeritus Faculty Lecture of the year to be given on Thursday, February 17th, at 4:00 PM. The lecture “Brazilian ‘Choro’ Music; A Journey Through Social and Racial Diversity” will be available as a webinar or in person at Kollros Auditorium (101 BBE).
- Communications/Website: Fleckenstein, Lenth. No report
Report on Liaisons with University committees/organizations:
- Campus planning: Anderson. No report
- FRIC: Shirazi, Valde. The Last meeting was a review of MyChart system and pandemic activities. Summary provided
- UIRA: Wanat, Cochran. Cochran stated that programs are the primary activity of the UIRA. Wide range of topics all available via zoom files. Wanat said UIRA is in the nomination for office and awards process.
- Research Council: Berman. Report filed.
- Library: Hauserman, Lenth. No report – meeting this Friday
- Faculty Senate/Council: Gardinier, Vlastos. The report of the UI Faculty Council Meeting of Jan 25, 2022 is attached to these minutes.
- Hancher: Valde, Shirazi. Valde reported that Director Chuck Swanson has announced his retirement
- Recreation Services: Atchison. report to be filed
- Senior College: Mitros. Three of 10 Spring semester courses are underway.
- Parking and Transportation: Mitros, Odgaard. Report to be filed?
- President’s Committee on Athletics: Hines. Met last Thursday and report to be filed.
Old Business:
Minnetta Gardinier, working with George Johnson (Senior College Committee and former EFC), used the Emeritus Faculty LISTSERV to contact all Emeritus faculty to inform them about the Senior College
Mitros said the idea of forming an executive committee consisting of Presidents and Past Presidents of the EFC, UIRA, Senior College, and the University of Iowa Retirees Association is still in process.
New Business:
Mitros noted the forthcoming departure of Suresh Gunasekaran as CEO of University Hospitals and Clinics.
There was a recent letter from President Wilson informing us that at the request of the Board of Regents Free Speech Committee there is now a mandatory free speech training module for the members of the University.
Mitros said we should be thinking about the May meeting for the entire Emeritus Faculty group and the status of the pandemic’s impact on in person meetings. Wanat said UIRA will be discussing this with the expectation that last year’s no luncheon policy will be retained for the UIRA.
Gilbert said the lecture series of hybrid offerings will give us an idea of much acceptance there is regarding in person attendance. Gilbert also suggested that the topic be on the agenda for our next meeting.
Mitros noted that President Wilson has agreed to meet with us during the May meeting for the entire Emeritus Faculty. He asked members of the Committee to send him suggestions of topics of specific interest to Emeriti, and he would forward them on to President Wilson's office in a letter following up the initial invitation.
Next Meeting: March 7, 2022
Meeting adjourned at 11:22
February 7, 2022 Committee reports
EFC Committee Reports February, 2022
Report on the Feb. 3, 2022 Meeting of the President’s Committee on Athletics
By N. William Hines
The PCA meeting was convened at 4 p.m. by its Chair, Katherine Zaharas. The first business matter was the approval of the Minutes of the PCA meeting on Dec. 2, 2021.
The Chair then introduced Lisa Cellucci, Head Coach of Field Hockey. Coach Cellucci noted she had been a part of the Iowa athletic program for 27 years, since her time as a student athlete playing field hockey for Iowa. After graduating, she stayed as an assistant coach. She became Head Coach ten years ago and has enjoyed a high rate of success in the position. For the last four years Iowa’s Field Hockey team has been ranked in the nation’s top 10 consistently, ranking # 1 for most of the 2021 season. Field hockey is not played in Iowa high schools, so all Coach Cellucci’s recruitment is in states where field hockey is played and in foreign countries, where field hockey is much more popular than in the U.S.
The next item on the PCA Agenda was a report on the Department’s Mental Health program by its chief phycologist Aubrette Kinne, who joined the athletic staff in 2016. This program has grown rapidly as the demand for its services has increased substantially. She reported the department is currently searching for a Director to supervise the growing staff of mental health professionals, all of whom will soon have appointments in UIHC, as do the athletic trainers.
Chair Zaharas then reported on several upcoming events locally and in Des Moines bringing student athletes together with supporters and potential employers.
The chairs of the PCA’s three standing subcommittees reported next. Only the Academic Achievement Subcommittee had met since the last PCA meeting. At a December 9, 2021 meeting the A.A. Subcommittee reviewed the many academic support services offered student athletes by the Department, including opportunities available at the Gerdin Center.
A report from the chair of the Iowa Student Athlete Activities Committee (ISAAC) detailed plans for a number of outreach opportunities for student athletes to interact with the local community and for heavy participation in the upcoming Dance Marathon.
Athletic Director Gary Barta reported on the NCAA Convention in January and the widely reported amendments to the NCAA Constitution adopted there.
Although the basic goal of the NCAA to promote amateur collegiate competition has not changed, as a result of the amendments the structure of the NCAA is undergoing a fairly substantial shift. Each of the three NCAA Divisions is now granted greater autonomy to govern themselves. For Division 1 in which Iowa competes, a Transition Committee is already at work to translate this change into practical
applications, such as a review of the operation of the new transfer portal and the rules governing the NIL authorization to student athletes to market their Names, Images and Likenesses.
Finally, A.D. Barta reported on the current financial status of the Athletic Department budget. The current budget of $117 million is down from the 2019 budget of $125 million and the Department in on track to meet that budget. This includes servicing the 15- year loan of $42 million from University reserves received last year to cover the shortfall created by lack of ticket sales in the 2020-2021 season caused by Covid-19.
The meeting adjourned at 5 p.m.
Campus Planning Committee meeting of February 15, 2022
Report by Charlie Anderson
The agenda items were as follows:
1. Minor clarifying revisions of the description of the Committee which appears on the Charter Committee website.
2. Review of policies and guidelines for naming buildings, etc. on the campus. During this discussion it was made clear that in the next ten years there will be a new academic building to house the programs now in the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center (WSHC) and possibly other academic programs. The WSHC will be razed to provide space for the new UIHC towers.
Review of the pilot program currently being studied as to how the University can most efficiently adapt to hybrid work efforts which include both remote and on-campus activities. There will undoubtedly be much more sharing of space.
FRIC Meeting Summary February 4, 2022
Report by Jill Valde
1. An overview of the My Chart functions and capabilities was shared. Data indicated an exponential increase in usage during the Pandemic.
2. Updates were given on the following topics:
Covid: free test kits are readily available through a variety of places.
Fee leveling Retirement Plan: One administrative fee will be across all plans effective January 1, 2020.
Fund Line-up Change- Retirement Plans: Fund frozen (Royce Premier) –assets will be mapped to a better performing Vanguard fund effective 3-31-22.
Pharmacy Benefit Manager: Gathering data to see if the University of Iowa should have a direct contract with pharmacies.
Health Plan Reviews: Discussions beginning to see if changes need to be mad to UI Select and UI Choice.
Recreation Services Charter Meeting
Thursday, February 3, 2022
1. In attendance:
Charter Committee Members – Lindsay Alexander, Chris Atchison, Kent Becker, Dan Caplan, Stephanie Gutierrez, Melinda Licht, Chris Odinet, Patrick Taylor
Recreational Services Staff – Brian Baxter, Katie Birdsall, Deb Cutler, Emily Downes, Michelle Harder, Becca Hildebrand, Pat Kutcher, Jeanette Luke, Shea McMurray, Dave Patton, Caleb Recker, Matt Schaefer, Tommy Schorer, Chris Spencer, Shelley Squier, Danelle Stipes, Erin Sullivan, JT Timmons, Chuck Thomas, Mallory Valentine, Mike Valentine
UI Staff Council – Erin Turnis
2. Welcome: Stephanie Gutierrez, Student Chair, and Michelle Harder, Senior Associate Director, Recreational Services
3. New Recreational Services Website: Mallory Valentine, Associate Director of Strategic Initiatives and Katie Birdsall, Marketing Coordinator, Health + Well-being
Question: Dan Caplan - When looking at the facility hours, if you change the date for one of the facilities, does it change the date for the listing for all of them?
Answer: Mallory Valentine – No it does not. That is possible but wanted to give patrons options to change location individually.
Question: Dan Caplan - Does there exist on the website a grid that has a list of all dates and hours for each facility for a given time period?
Answer: Michelle Harder & Mallory V. – That does not exist on the website. Michelle sent an internal document to Dan recently after he inquired.
Question: Dan Caplan - How do I find out on the new website how many visits I have recorded towards the perpetual membership incentive discount?
Answer: Mallory – You can check on the online registration portal. More information on the FAQs portion of the Membership Information page.
Question: Stephanie Gutierrez - How do you find virtual workout options?
Answer: Mallory V. – Under the group fitness schedule, you look for classes that are listed as “Virtual Fitness.” To register, you click the “Virtual Class Registration” button to get more information. Question: Stephanie G. - Are there plans to update the app as well?
Answer: Mallory V. – Our membership software company, Innosoft Fusion, controls a lot of aspects of the app. They are working on an update currently, but we cannot control timing.
4. Q & A about Field House: JT Timmons, Director of Recreational Services
JT Timmons provided a summary to the RS Charter Committee Members on the 10 year campus master plan and meetings that have been taking place with specific groups on campus about the Hospital and Field House replacement.
Question: Patrick Taylor - Have you worked with the groups to provide them numbers, as eliminating Field House and Fitness East would put a strain on the remaining facilities and capacities?
Answer: JT Timmons - We’ve been looking for several years at demand on indoor space and whether we are meeting that demand. We are talking about what is our current inventory, what is our demand, and what does that mean for needs.
Question: Chris Odinet - Is the University providing any funding through their own general bonding, or will Recreational Services have to pay for it?
Answer: JT Timmons - I have heard this new facility will not increase the student fee or change operational expenses for Recreational Services. It will come from a variety of sources. Question: Chris Odinet - The footprint for the new rec facility, as laid out on the master plan, is pretty small.
Answer: JT Timmons - We are evaluating how much space we need which will determine the size. Answer: Brian Baxter - It is also a consideration that academics would not be a part of the new rec facility as they would have a separate new facility.
Observation: Patrick Taylor - The distance from east side residence halls to the CRWC is much greater than the distance from west side residence halls to the CRWC.
5. New Business: None
6. Questions: None
Research Council meeting February 3, 2022
Report by Constance Berman, Emeritus Council Representative to the Research Council
Alberto Segre opened the meeting. This was the first meeting of the council for this academic year. Updates were then made by Marty Scholtz, who has now been VP for Research for 18 months. He mentioned a number of personnel changes:
- Steve Praderelli has left the university to bereplaced by Leslie Revaux.
- Ann Ricketts has returned to the Division of Sponsored Programs,
- Richard Hichwa has transferred out
- Two active searches underway.
Mentioned the active work of the State Hygienic Lab that answers to his office -- they have done over 7 million covid tests
Two reports on upcoming programs: Aaron Kline and Leslie Revaux ... Mike Weaver and Alberto Segre then commented on ongoing initiatives:
Conflict of Commitment report now needs to make its way into the manual of operations; reports about restricted Research and classified research to be incorporated into the University strategic plans by last week of February; awaited is Faculty senate officers report on the Research Council