Tuesday, September 3, 2024



9:30 a.m. September 3, 2024

(2050C, UCC, With Zoom Connection)


President Lenth called the meeting to order at 9:36


Roll Call:

EFC Members Attending: Cathy Cole, Ana Diaz-Arnold, Minnetta Gardinier, Diane Huber, Russell Lenth, Mary Ann Rasmussen, John Reitz, William Silverman, Bernard Sorofman, Shelton Stromquist, Sonia Sugg, Robert Wallace, 

EFC Members Absent: Christopher Atchison, Carol Scott-Conner, John Westefeld, Tricia Zebrowski

Other participants: Ann Howard, Office of the Provost, Lois Geist, Associate Provost


Approval of Minutes.  Lenth noted that the minutes for the last meeting were approved previously by e-mail and are available on the website.


New Emeritus Faculty

Name                                                            College                                                         Retirement Date


Retirement Date

Teresa MangumClas-Gender Women&Sexuality


Christine GetzClas-Music


Michelle SchererCend-Civil-Environmental Engin


Madeline SheaCmed-Biochemistry


Allan GuymonCend-Chemical & Biochem Engine


Jennifer FagenbaumClas-Health & Human Physiology


Donald McLeeseClas-Journalism & Mass Communi


William ReisingerClas-Political Science


Vera Fitzgerald Clas-Biology


Michael MackeyCend-Biomedical Engineering


Terry LindquistCden-Prosthodontics


Karen BryantClas-Communic Sci & Disorders




Recently Deceased Emeritus Faculty

(Lenth announced each of the deceased and asked for member comments)


Name                                              College                                                                                     Date

Henry (Bruce) FriedrichCLAS-Chemistry


Rose Marie FriedrichCnur-Nursing


James (Jamie) AndrewsCend-Mechanical Engineering


William McGinnisCmed-Radiation Oncology


David MolineCden-Family Dentistry


Jeffry SchabilionCLAS-Biology


Jaroslaw PelenskiClas-History


Alan B. SpitzerCLAS-History


Donald ZavalaCCOM- Int Med


Usha MallikClas-Physics & Astronomy


William BussClaw-Law


Paul AbbasCmed-Otolaryngology-Head & Neck           8/25/24

Lenth asked for a Moment of Silence in Remembrance


New Business: 

Lenth asked that the Agenda be modified so that the nomination and election of Vice President and Secretary could be completed. Lenth called for votes on Minnetta Gardiner as Vice President and Chris Atchison as Secretary. Both individuals were affirmed by the Council without objection.

Reports from EFC Committees:

Lenth opened this topic by describing the two sets of committee roles in the EFC. First, are the four committees that do the business of the Council.  Secondly, the EFC also has a liaison role for the Emeritus Faculty with a significant number of University organizations. In this latter category, Lenth indicated he would to add a liaison to the IT Advisory Committee.


Lecture Series: 

Lenth provided He noted that this early in the year there might not be many reports but he had received a report from Carol Scott-Conner announcing several of the Emeritus Lectures.

The first program is “Dream no Small Dreams,” to be given by Professor Edwin Stone on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 4 pm in Kollros Auditorium. The topic addresses inherited retinal disease.


Next is Oct 17th to be given by Joe Carey of computer science entitled My Life in Virtual Reality.


The third lecture will be November 14th, given by Teresa Mangum entitled: “Why do we want believe in cross species utopia from Noah’s Ark the latest Lion and Lamb video.”



This committee arranges for the speakers at the EFC meetings.  Today’s program will be Lois Geist from the Office of the Provost and in October, Brian Kaskie from the college of public health discussing Older People in the Workforce. Diaz-Arnold listed several other individuals who has been suggested as speakers and Lenth asked everyone to offer ideas for speakers noting that it is a month-by-month process.

Webpage:  NR

Elections: NR


Liaisons to University Committees

Lenth noted that Committees have not all met.  No reports

 Campus Planning: 

Faculty Senate and Council: 


Hancher and Art Museum:

IT Advisory Committee:


Parking and Transportation: 

President’s Committee on Athletics: 

Recreational Services: 

Research Council:

Senior College: 


Lenth stated that he and Gardinier have been trying to identify what committee members would be interested in and asked that members serve on one internal and fill at least one liaison role.  He also suggested there be two EFC reps for each of the liaison roles noting that both wouldn’t have to attend all meetings as EFC liaisons but might switch off from meeting to meeting.


Lenth also described his vision for the role as one of keeping the EFC aware of pertinent developments that would be in the interest of the Emeritus Faculty, not a detailed report on the work of the committees. This led to some discussion about the interests of the emeritus faculty extending to a wide range of issues. Gardinier said her perspective from serving as liaison to the faculty council and senate is to bring information about topics across campus, not limited just to emeritus issues.


Sorofman cautioned that we only have limited time to discuss reports from the liaisons and it challenges the time available to discussion key issues such as we saw last year with IT.


Huber stated that she has particular concern about FRIC and possible actions on pharmaceuticals which could affect all emeriti.


Lenth then referenced work that Gardinier has done to assure continuity in the committees. She repeated the goal having continuity in experience with the work of the committee. She also noted that there are at least 3 members for each internal committee so that a range of colleges can be represented.

There was an extended review of possible committee and liaison roles. 


Introduction of Guest Speaker: Lenth introduced Lois Geist, Associate Provost for Faculty and Professor in the Carver College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine.


Geist began by thanking the members of the EFC for their engagement with the University.

She then described the University’s Strategic Plan now it its third year with particular focus on the life cycle of faculty, i.e., recruitment, retention, development and recognition.  She noted that former EFC member Miriam Gilbert has been actively involved in the development of this component. She specifically mentioned mentoring as an area that emeriti would be helpful.


Geist also noted support for the onboarding of faculty and how the University is supporting that aspect of faculty development.  She also highlighted the effort to retain faculty noting that many are leaving in their third of fourth year of the tenure process. 


Geist also referenced faculty development and her willingness to try a range of new strategies. She also noted that the Provost has developed an external awards office identify and make sure that faculty are recognized for their extended activities.


Geist then mentioned the retirement seminar and the contributions that members of the EFC have made to that effort. The next programs are October 28th and December 9th. She asked that two members of the EFC would be helpful at each session to answer questions or give their perspectives on retirement. Presentations would take about 15 minutes and both recently retired and longer retired individuals are helpful for those planning their retirement.


Lenth mentioned that there is a tab on the EFC website called Resources and Opportunities and information on these seminars can be found there.


Sorofman asked what value the office of the provost has for emeriti and the work they do for the institution.  Geist responded that she tries to be as engaged with the council and establish connections when issues arise.  She also noted that there is confusion between the roles of the EFC and the UIRA and suggested that more information should be developed.


Stromquist noted that he has been the EFC representative on the Research Council which has been developing a survey on support for research needs and that this included a survey of emeritus faculty, recognized that many do continue to be engaged and representing the University. Geist indicated she would be interested in learning more as the process unfolds.


Sorofman made some additional points about the value of emeriti noting that it appears support for ongoing engagement varies from college to college.  Geist expressed interest in learning more noting however that capability varies from College to College.


Lenth asked if a list of emeriti who live in the area of Iowa City who might be available to serve on the EFC would be helpful for recruiting new members. Howard said she might be able to develop such a list.


Lenth then thanked Geist for her time and comments. He said a list of tentative committee assignment will be shared and asked members to select or trade assignments.


Lenth adjourned the meeting at 11:08